Let’s Do Something

fatdumbhappy0911 *

We cannot keep doing what we are doing and expect change. Come to think of it, we cannot expect hope and change from those who would promise better things. The time is coming and has now come that we go back to what made us strong. Hard work. Are you as tired as I am with the status quo? Are you exasperated that for some time now you feel like you have lost control? Our households will not get better by themselves. Your bank accounts will not increase by themselves. The careers we have will have to be dictated by us, not at the whims of over-extending bigwigs. It’s time to wake up, Uh-merica. This year I am resolving to get back control over myself.

For far too long I have sat back and watched as the waistline increased, my brain cells decrease and my personal happiness go bye-bye. In 2010 I will be healthier, smarter and happier with the help of hard work and determination.

Because I have lost control of myself I have allowed outside forces to take control. I will reclaim my independence and start working harder and smarter for me & mine. I have never been afraid to work hard, I just have forgotten how. Time to relearn.

I enjoyed Chris Brogan’s article on making construction sexy. “Get your hard hat. Get your blue prints. Find your crew. Let’s make construction sexy. You with me?”

* Thanks to Hugh at Gaping Void for the illustration inspiration

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One Comment

  1. Regina Rice
    January 1, 2010

    Amen! Roll those shirt sleeves up, grab your hard hat, blue prints, enlist the crew and get your sexy on! It's time to take back the controls and reclaim independence. It can be done. (Resisted the urge to say, YES YOU CAN!) You can do this…we all can do this!

    January is named for the Roman god of beginnings and endings. He looked backward and forward at the same time. We can be mindful of past history and then use that history (good or not so good) to plan our next steps forward.

    Wishing us all, and particularly you, great success.

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