• Ulysses

    Now that I’ve acquired one of the best writing apps for iOS I had to figure it out and set it up. That was easy to do with it’s intuitive features. I was able to connect it to a few other apps like Mind Node…

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  • Problem Solving

    Find a solution If that doesn’t work, try another one. Repeat step two or until luck strikes.

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  • Offline

    Since I am no longer subscribed to an internet service at home, I have been relying on public WiFi and my phone’s hot spot. This has been challenging for me, especially since I need a connection for my continuing education. I just remembered today that…

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  • Mind Mapping

    I’ve recently re-discovered the app MindNode, an app that helps diagram ideas and thoughts in a visual way. Here’s an example of what a basic mind map structure looks like: Just a simple diagram I generated about mind-mapping and why I use MindNode instead of…

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  • #deletesocialmedia

    I just finished the monumental task of deleting all of my accounts. On purpose. Why should you care about this? No idea. But for me, it is refreshing and liberating. I admit it was rewarding to receive online praise for my photographic work. To see…

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  • #deletegoogle

    I first mentioned I was migrating off of Google way back in April. Well, it has taken me just that long to do it. Every photo, video and document I shared with them has been downloaded finally. I deleted my 10 year old Google account…

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  • iPhone XR This is a great blend of both budget and premium features. A $1200 phone for a $750 price. This has almost everything I want into an iPhone like a big, end-to-end screen, the A12 Bionic chip, dual sim card capability, augmented reality, great…

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  • Transition I am decommissioning my Misadventures.me website and coming back here to ChrisDenbow.com. It was an attempt at a fresh start but then I realized I didn’t want to go that direction. The web domain expires soon and I am not renewing it. It is…

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  • Kali

    No idea why I thought running a subsystem of Kali Linux on Windows was going to be easy

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  • #deletegoogle

    I’m turning my focus on Google. Awhile back I had mentioned the inevitability of deleting Facebook and now I am taking the steps to migrate everything off the multiple accounts and services I have for the same reasons.

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  • #deletegoogle

    I’m turning my focus on Google. Awhile back I had mentioned the inevitability of deleting Facebook and now I am taking the steps to migrate everything off the multiple accounts and services I have for the same reasons.

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  • NSCoding. @interface MyObject : NSObject <NSCoding> @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *firstValue; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *secondValue; @end Your implementation must include encodeWithCoder and initWithCoder – (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder*)encoder {    [encoder encodeObject:self.firstValue forKey:@”first_value”];    [encoder encodeObject:self.secondValue forKey:@”second_value”]; } – (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder {    self = [MyObject new];  …

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