• Map Quest

    Over the past couple of decades I have acquired a lot of images and have failed to document them properly. Now I want to take on the enormous task of mapping my finds. Just getting started There are three categories I want to photograph, map…

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  • Goodbye Google

    Previously I mentioned I was in the process of dropping all products made by Google but it was half-hearted. The amount of data they have on me for the past thirteen is overwhelming. I recently requested my data delivered to me via their own data…

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  • In The Bag

    I’ve seen a lot of people on the net share both their desktop workspaces and what is in their bags. Over the years I have whittled down and secured only the essentials needed for portable computing. I’ve waited for technology to give me what I…

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  • Space Dock

    FINALLY got my hands on the elusive Nexus dock for my tablet. Connected to speakers and charger (cleverly hidden). Now functions as a great alarm clock, video viewing etc.

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  • I|O 2013

    This year’s Google developer conference revealed quite a few more reasons for me to swoon over and enjoy. There were also a few items I wish were addressed but was disappointed. Google+  Completely redesigned social network and hub for almost everything Google. Love the new…

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  • Feed Me

    With Google shuttering the wildly popular Reader, I’ve looked at some alternatives such as Flipboard, Feedly and even the other Google product, Currents. I am also trying to create a feed reader on my server using the TinyTiny RSS schema. Having issues with the PHP and…

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  • Top 10 Android Apps

    I have two Android devices that are heavily used. The Samsung Galaxy S3 mobile phone and the Google Nexus 7 tablet. A few friends have asked which are the best Android apps out there. Well, that is subjective to opinion. I can share which apps…

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  • Chromebook: For Me

    The Samsung Chromebook is a fantastic browser with a keyboard. It weighs less than  3 pounds with an 11.6” screen. The 16GB solid state drive is quiet and fast. Boot time is exactly 8 seconds to power on and go. True, 16GB is not much…

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  • You Will Get Wet On This Ride (Google Wave)

    I’ve mentioned Google’s newest communication tool, Google Wave here before and wanted to elaborate on it a bit more. Now that the initial thrill of waving has passed for me, it is time to start thinking of practical uses for it. For tips on how…

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  • Coming Soon

    As promised, the Mojo deconstruction project is coming along nicely. I’m in the process of dropping that brand into one that reflects myself and whatever projects I choose to endure. The new website is waiting on me to back up the WordPress database, switch over…

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  • The Communications Toolbox

    I shared with you some of the software tools in my digital toolbox recently and today I will share how you and I can communicate with each other. I’ll go over some tools that you may or may not ever heard of yet as well…

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