• Midnight Moon Meteorite

    All in one!

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  • Central File Maintenance

    My second attempt at scrap collage work. I grabbed a discovered post card from Germany, some scrap and used an index card for the backing. It’s simple, it’s fun. Need more scrap that suits my tastes and take it from there.

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  • Headless Minnie

    I have not had full access to my file server inside the MacBook Mini (aka Minnie) since I packed it up for her relocation to Florida. After running an update and backed everything up from my MacBook M1 to Minnie, it was time to find…

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  • 25 Books In 2025

    It is never too early to begin mapping out your reading list for the upcoming year, right? Well, who asked you? Next year, I’d like to incorporate more Classics and non-fiction titles into the rotation. I’ve come up with fourteen and need a few more.…

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  • Research On Searching

    Over the previous years, online search engines have become overwhelmed with advertisements and results that may somewhat be relative to the original query you typed into the search field- it is maddening. Even Boolean searches with tools such as “and” “or” “not”, plus signs, minus…

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  • Orion

    Recently, a review for the constellation of Orion’s Belt only gets three stars. Another review says it is a “waist” of space. Siri told me this joke early this morning and what was the very first constellation I see immediately after? You guessed it. Had…

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  • The PDF

    Want to find obscure articles and even unabridged books online? Type your book in the search bar and add .pdf to end of that.

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  • The Discipline

    What if we start thinking of our creative process as a spiritual practice?

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  • 23/24

    I just finished my 23rd out of 24 books to hit my reading goal for the year 2024. You can catch up with what I’ve been reading on the Bookshelf page of this website. I’ve mentioned it previously, but shelved the book called “S.” by…

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  • Bird-Brained

    Relocating to Florida has introduced me to a wide variety of new sights and sounds. This area is rich with diverse animals and birds from all over the place. Recently I discovered an app from Cornell called “Merlin Bird ID”, that allows you to record…

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  • Simplicity

    It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.– J.R.R. Tolkien

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  • Pentax ME Super

    I just received a gift in the form of this fantastic 35mm film camera. I already own its brother, the Pentax K1000, and am familiar with the settings. I’m wondering what differences in the two could be. It came preloaded with film but I’m not…

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