

As a result of some new changes in website design and future-proofing my database, I’ll have to resist the temptation to add images to posts. I want this site and the database to be lightweight and streamlined. In the near future, I will add blog-related images to a specific Flickr folder designated “Website Images” or…


Back in December I was pondering whether or not I wanted to go back to Flickr after extinguishing my account back in 2019. After shutting down my photography website due to various reasons, including a lack of interest from anyone but myself, I need somewhere to store/display/backup my images. Since 2004, Flickr has stuck it…

From The Database of CJD

The objective, or desire, in creating this personalized database is ultimate vanity. It is ludicrous that such a disorganized individual such as myself can even hope to maintain it properly. Since I am a ludicrous individual I will go ahead and make the attempt anyway. I want to be organized, disciplined and to catalog decades…

Theseus’ Paradox

Theseus’ Paradox

While researching an unrelated article, I came across that phrase, “Theseus’ Paradox” and went down a rabbit hole of nerd-scrolling after that. The Wikipedia page here details the story and the philosophy about it so I won’t get into details for now. However, it does refer to the “Ship of Theseus”, from the Ancient Greek…