
The first draft of anything is shit.

– Ernest Hemingway

I have had my hands on a keyboard for almost thirty years. After university, the focus would be on writing sermons and lessons. Then I moved on to personal writing through my blog. In addition to my online journal, I am expanding the focus to short stories and hopefully a novel or two. This desire started at university where I came across a photo book about a lost empire in ancient Cambodia. I’ve always thought there was a story to be told from there and have been doing research since then.

A lot of my story and novel outlines are shit, to say nothing about a first draft. However, I will continue to polish that shit into something I can be proud of.

Short Story Format

  • Quantum Map
  • Qryptik

Novel Format

  • Angkor
  • Saint Augustine

Non-Fiction Format:

  • Explore More
  • iPhoneography

Explore More: Introduction

Welcome, intrepid explorer, to the pages of “Explore More,” where the world becomes your playground, your canvas, your endless adventure. This isn’t just a book; it is a field guide, and an invitation to see the world around you with fresh eyes, to uncover the hidden gems that lie just beyond the surface, waiting for those curious enough to seek them out.

Imagine every street, every building, every quiet corner as part of a vast, untamed wilderness, teeming with stories, art, and mystery waiting to be discovered. Cities are often seen as concrete jungles, but we know better. Beneath the familiar facades of everyday life lies a world brimming with wonder—if you know how to find it. Whether you’re a seasoned wayfinder or a curious novice, “Explore More” will guide you through the art of urban exploration, where each step leads to new discoveries and every detour offers the promise of something extraordinary.

But let’s be clear: this is not just following the well-trodden paths. This field guide means venturing off the beaten track, about looking beyond the obvious, and finding joy in the unexpected. You’ll be trained to turn the mundane into the magical, to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. You’ll learn to spot the subtle clues that cities leave for the observant, to decode the language of street art, to map your own adventures, and even to leave your own mark for future explorers to find.

“Explore More” is a guidebook for the curious, a manual for the creative, and a manifesto for anyone who believes that the world is more vibrant, more intriguing, and more full of life than it first appears. We’ll show you how to connect with your surroundings in ways that are fun, thoughtful, and deeply engaging—where every walk becomes a quest, and every neighborhood, a new frontier.

The Art of Urban Exploration

Urban exploration, or “urbex” as it’s affectionately known by its devotees, is more than just a hobby; it’s a mindset, a way of seeing the world through a lens of curiosity and wonder. At its core, urban exploration is about diving deep into the everyday environment, peeling back the layers of the city to reveal its hidden stories, forgotten spaces, and unexpected treasures. But before we venture into the heart of this practice, let’s talk about what makes urban exploration an art.

The City as a Canvas

Cities are alive. They pulse with the energy of the people who inhabit them, the history that shaped them, and the endless possibilities that the future holds. For the urban explorer, the city is not just a backdrop; it’s the main character in a never-ending story. Every building, every alleyway, every forgotten lot is a potential masterpiece waiting to be discovered.

We’ll explore the art of urban exploration from a few key angles:

  • Observation: Learning to see the city with new eyes, to notice the details that others overlook. Whether it’s a fading mural on a brick wall or the unique pattern of a sidewalk, observation is the foundation of all urban exploration.
  • Interaction: Engaging with the city as a living entity. This could mean interacting with the people who inhabit these spaces or leaving behind your own creative mark—whether through art drops, spontaneous installations, or simply a well-placed sticker.
  • Documentation: Capturing the essence of your explorations through photography, writing, or even sketching. Documentation allows you to preserve the fleeting moments of discovery and share them with others.

The Tools of the Trade

Like any artist, an urban explorer has a toolkit, though it might not include brushes or paints. Instead, it’s a mix of practical items and a creative mindset:

  • Camera or Smartphone: Essential for capturing the visual elements of your exploration. Don’t worry about having the latest gear; it’s more about how you use it.
  • Notebook and Pen: For jotting down thoughts, sketching interesting finds, or mapping out routes.
  • Comfortable Shoes: You’ll be doing a lot of walking, so make sure your feet are ready for the adventure.
  • Curiosity and Patience: Perhaps the most important tools of all. Urban exploration is about the journey, not the destination. Take your time and allow yourself to wander.

Finding Your Own Path

Urban exploration is deeply personal. What fascinates one person might be completely overlooked by another. That’s the beauty of it. There are no rules, no set paths, only endless possibilities. In this chapter, we’ll help you find your own path in the art of urban exploration:

  • Start Small: Begin with your own neighborhood. What have you walked past a hundred times without really noticing? Start there and let your curiosity guide you.
  • Seek the Unusual: Train your eyes to look for the unusual—the things that seem out of place or tell a story. It might be a strange sign, an old door, or a bit of graffiti that catches your attention.
  • Embrace Serendipity: Not all explorations need a plan. Sometimes the best discoveries happen when you allow yourself to get lost, to wander without a specific goal in mind.

The Ethics of Exploration

Before we close this introduction, it’s important to touch on the ethics of urban exploration. This art is about appreciation, not disruption. Respect the spaces you explore, and always be mindful of the people who live and work in the areas you visit. The goal is to discover and document, not to damage or disturb.

Urban exploration is an invitation to see the world differently. It’s about finding beauty in the overlooked, stories in the forgotten, and inspiration in the everyday. As we dive deeper into this book, you’ll learn new ways to explore, create, and connect with the city around you.

So, prepare to step out with a sense of wonder, to look beyond the obvious, and to find the extraordinary in the everyday. This is your adventure. Let us “Explore More” together.

Making the City Your Artistic Playground Waypoint Chapter #2

Art is everywhere, woven into the fabric of the city. It lives in the lines of a building, the cracks in the sidewalk, the vibrant colors of a mural. But what if you could make the city itself your canvas? What if you could add your own creative flair to urban spaces, turning the everyday into a living, breathing masterpiece? Welcome to urban art—a realm where anyone can be an artist, where imagination has no boundaries.

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The City as a Playground for Creativity

Picture this: You’re strolling down the street when something unexpected catches your eye. Maybe it’s a tiny sculpture hidden in a brick wall or a whimsical sticker on a lamppost that makes you smile. Or perhaps a chalk drawing on the pavement that invites you into a playful, imaginative world. These bursts of creativity are there for the finding, and with a little daring, you can contribute your own.

Start with a Sticker

Stickers offer a simple and effective way to leave your mark on the city. Small, portable, and versatile, they can be placed almost anywhere. Design your own or collect interesting ones as you wander. Imagine creating a trail of stickers across the places you frequent, or using them to craft a series of mini art installations that surprise and delight those who come across them.

Chalk It Up

Chalk art has timeless appeal. It’s temporary, non-destructive, and can transform a plain stretch of pavement into a vibrant work of art. Next time you’re out, bring along some sidewalk chalk. Draw something that interacts with its surroundings—maybe a vine climbing up a pole or a hopscotch path leading to a hidden gem. For a bigger challenge, organize a spontaneous chalk art event in your neighborhood and watch the streets come alive with color.

Create a Found Object Sculpture

Urban spaces are rich with discarded objects—old signs, broken tiles, bits of metal—just waiting to be repurposed. These forgotten items can become the raw materials for a unique public artwork. On your next exploration, gather a few intriguing pieces. Then, find the perfect spot to assemble them into a sculpture. Whether abstract or narrative, your creation can become a story told through found objects. Leave it for others to discover, or document it as a keepsake from your urban adventure.

Start an Art Drop

An art drop is a small but meaningful act of creativity and generosity. Create a piece of art—anything from a painting to a poem, a tiny sculpture to a handmade zine—and hide it somewhere in the city for someone else to find. Include a note explaining that the piece is free to take, and encourage the finder to share their discovery online. Art drops build a sense of community and encourage a delightful exchange of creativity. Who knows? You might even inspire others to start their own art drops.

Guerrilla Galleries

Museums aren’t the only places for art. With a bit of imagination, any urban space can become a gallery. A fence, a telephone pole, or an abandoned building offers a blank canvas for mini artworks—postcards, photos, small paintings—that you can display for public enjoyment. You could curate a theme, such as “lost and found” or “urban wildlife,” or simply let your creativity run free. Your art becomes an unexpected gift to the city, accessible to anyone who happens upon it.

Embracing the Spirit of Play

Urban art thrives on playfulness—interacting with space, materials, and ideas in ways that break free from traditional boundaries. It turns the city into a playground where creativity is spontaneous, fun, and deeply engaging. The goal isn’t just to create for creation’s sake; it’s to view the world through a new lens, to discover beauty in the everyday, and to share that vision with others. Each piece of art left behind invites someone into a shared moment of wonder, a small, joyful interaction with the city.

A Call to Explore

The city is your canvas, waiting for your creative touch. Grab some chalk, stickers, or found objects, and go out to make something beautiful. Start small or think big—the important thing is to start. Share your creations with the world, and watch what happens. The city will reveal itself in new and surprising ways.

And when your art is complete, keep an eye out for the creativity others have left behind. You might stumble upon something that inspires your next idea, connects you with another urban artist, or simply makes you smile. This is the magic of urban art—a conversation, a community, a celebration of creativity in all its forms. So, step out and “Explore More” —the city is full of surprises, and the best ones are just waiting to be discovered.