• It’s Not Relevant Instagram sucks. It used to be a great way to network with great photographers and friends. It has evolved from a creative community into an abomination of memes, unoriginal work and advertisements. When Facebook purchased Instagram everyone knew that it would change…

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  • Lightroom Preset Synchronization Finally. I’ve been able to synchronize my custom film effects from the desktop to my mobile iOS devices so now I can edit my images anywhere. On my iPhone On my iPad This is a fantastic development that’ll come in handy when…

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  • Physical vs Digital

    Inspired by the time-tested practice of marginalia, the art of note-taking inside of books, I wanted to explore note taking in digital books. In most apps like Amazon’s Kindle, I can highlight, notate and save until next time I open it up like below: But…

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  • Anti-Social

    “If you have good experiences with social media, nothing in this book invalidates those experiences. In fact, my hope is that we—meaning both the industry and all of us—will find a way to keep and improve on what we love precisely by being precise about…

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  • VSCO > Instagram Instagram sucks. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. VSCO has a great business model. They make and sell digital products to help enhance your photography and provide a social platform to host too. VSCO desktop presets for Adobe Lightroom…

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  • It’s Not Relevant

    Instagram sucks. It used to be a great way to network with great photographers and friends. It has evolved from a creative community into an abomination of memes, unoriginal work and advertisements. When Facebook purchased Instagram everyone knew that it would change drastically and not…

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  • It’s Not Relevant

    Instagram sucks. It used to be a great way to network with great photographers and friends. It has evolved from a creative community into an abomination of memes, unoriginal work and advertisements. When Facebook purchased Instagram everyone knew that it would change drastically and not…

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  • iA Writer

    After several free trials, beta tests and tribulations I have chosen iA Writer as my tool to help me create stories I want to tell (not calling myself a writer or author yet). The software for me had to pass several standards such as: Cross-platform…

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  • Progress

    Time to get serious and disciplined regarding digital asset management (DAM). As I type, I am transferring files off of the various external hard drives to a master file on my computer. Then I will use Lightroom to remove the duplicates, sort the wheat from…

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  • Photo Archeology

    My very first digital photograph back in November 2001. When I was away at college I borrowed my father’s Olympus C2100. I loved the zoom and bokeh it produced. This had helped solidify my photography enthusiasm. I discovered this when sorting through the archives and…

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  • Coding Misadventures

    Or another working title: what a tangled web I weave. Delving back into coding but this time with some basics like javascript (finally).

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  • 2-For-1

    Now that I have Windows 10 installed on the laptop, I can not leave well enough alone. I have installed and am running Linux 15 inside another virtual machine. Running smoothly. Two machines inside one. Brilliant!

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