• Back In Cyberspace

    Cyberspace- A long time ago, before we allowed ourselves to bottlenecked into a few social platforms, fed into massive surveillance machines, mined for our attention, and controlled by algorithms, there was an idea about internet freedom. Cyberspace. We allowed cyberspace to become dominated by a…

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  • Plog

    I’m on a photography hiatus for a bit but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about it. Now that I am off of FaceGram I will be focused on this web site and my photography website again (plog??) I’m loving this idea more and more…

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  • #deletesocialmedia

    I just finished the monumental task of deleting all of my accounts. On purpose. Why should you care about this? No idea. But for me, it is refreshing and liberating. I admit it was rewarding to receive online praise for my photographic work. To see…

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  • #deletegoogle

    I first mentioned I was migrating off of Google way back in April. Well, it has taken me just that long to do it. Every photo, video and document I shared with them has been downloaded finally. I deleted my 10 year old Google account…

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  • VSCO > Instagram Instagram sucks. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. VSCO has a great business model. They make and sell digital products to help enhance your photography and provide a social platform to host too. VSCO desktop presets for Adobe Lightroom…

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  • It’s Not Relevant

    Instagram sucks. It used to be a great way to network with great photographers and friends. It has evolved from a creative community into an abomination of memes, unoriginal work and advertisements. When Facebook purchased Instagram everyone knew that it would change drastically and not…

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  • It’s Not Relevant

    Instagram sucks. It used to be a great way to network with great photographers and friends. It has evolved from a creative community into an abomination of memes, unoriginal work and advertisements. When Facebook purchased Instagram everyone knew that it would change drastically and not…

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  • #deletegoogle

    I’m turning my focus on Google. Awhile back I had mentioned the inevitability of deleting Facebook and now I am taking the steps to migrate everything off the multiple accounts and services I have for the same reasons.

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