• Projected

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  • It’s Not Relevant Instagram sucks. It used to be a great way to network with great photographers and friends. It has evolved from a creative community into an abomination of memes, unoriginal work and advertisements. When Facebook purchased Instagram everyone knew that it would change…

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  • Lightroom Preset Synchronization Finally. I’ve been able to synchronize my custom film effects from the desktop to my mobile iOS devices so now I can edit my images anywhere. On my iPhone On my iPad This is a fantastic development that’ll come in handy when…

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  • Lightroom Preset Sync! “Finally!” – all Adobe Lightroom users I’ve been able to synchronize my custom film effects from the desktop to my mobile iOS devices so now I can edit my images anywhere. On my iPhone On my iPad This is a fantastic development…

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  • Muse

    I need a muse to help influence and inspire my photography. Someone who understands and supports my creative vision, even if I don’t. This muse would inspire my creative vision. Someone that will allow me anything and everything. Fearless. No comfort zone because of the…

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  • Now Developing… I’ve redesigned and have a renewed focus.

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