I’ve seen a lot of people on the net share both their desktop workspaces and what is in their bags. Over the years I have whittled down and secured only the essentials needed for portable computing. I’ve waited for technology to give me what I needed.
Today I am sharing my minimalist setup in the bag.
The Chromebook- I’ve already documented what a simple and effortless device this is. It weighs next to nothing and syncs everything.
The Nexus 7 tablet- This is my portable library. I also stream music, videos. If the mood strikes I’ll play games on it and more.
Galaxy S3 Phone- Wake me up when the iPhone is ready to compete, will you?
Bluetooth Mouse- Operates all 3 devices if I desired.
Moleskine Notebook- In case my thoughts go analog instead of digital. This also doubles as my mousepad. Sharpie pen is thin and doesn’t bleed through the pages.
Timbuk2 Bag – Excellent size, light and very well padded. One compartment for the chromebook and another for the rest.
All together the contents are equal to a hardback book in weight, and all three device’s data are synchronized.
This blows me away
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