What I Know

I don’t know much but I do know…

  • Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
  • Make misteaks.

  • Make more mistakes.

  • Spontaneity.

  • Alcohol will never love you back.

  • Don’t gamble if you are pissed at losing $20.

  • Put your phone away.

  • Are people happy when you walk in or walk out?

  • If you wear cologne, it should leave when you leave.

  • Respect your parents.

  • Always carry cash. 
  • How can you ever grow old and wise if you were never young and crazy? 
  • Never stay out after 2AM more than two nights in a row, unless it is


  • Ignore the people who shout you down. They’re probably coming from the cheap seats.
  • Don’t tell anyone that you hate working there. If you’re still there after three months, they’ll know you are ignorant for staying on.
  • Life is stressful. Be kind to others. 
  • Drunk and funny guy isn’t funny anymore. 
  • Tip more when it is deserved. 
  • You don’t have to know everything, but you should understand a little about something.
  • Don’t skimp on sunglasses. 
  • Learn how to play backgammon. 
  • Don’t stop dating your loved one. 
  • Your job does not define you.
  • Nobody cares where you went to school. 
  • Never wear another man’s jersey.
  • Have your drink order ready when the bartender asks. 
  • When a bartender buys you a round, tip double. 
  • Do meditation and sit-ups before you shower every morning.
  • Replace socks and underwear every six months. 
  • Earn their trust by keeping their secret.
  • Have at least one good joke ready to go.
  • Eat brunch with friends.
  • Act like you’ve been there before. Confidence. 
  • Don’t split a check.
  • Never cancel plans by text. 
  • Nobody cares if you are offended. 
  • Use your camera more, not your phone. 
  • Know how to defend yourself.
  • Don’t skimp on a razor.
  • Always bring something to the party.
  • Compare yourself to your past, not to others. 
  • Always have that go-to recipe. 
  • Get outdoors. Often. 
  • Eating out alone is great. Find a quiet place to think.
  • Use your luggage. 
  • Use your passport. 
  • Of course you buy her dinner. 
  • Short and sweet is always the best. 
  • Know when you are wrong and admit it. 
  • Monotonous, isn’t it?
  • Never be the first or the last one in the pool. 
  • Close friends over too many acquaintances.
  • Order the salad instead of the fries.
  • Share your dessert.
  • Read more.
  • You are still better off than most who have ever lived.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask.
  • Support artists by spending money on them.
  • You don’t need that last glass. really.
  • Open her door.
  • Go sweat with someone.
  • Buy local.
  • Find a favorite jazz artist.
  • Don’t stay angry.