This Little Piggy Went “Ouch”

this-little-piggy-is-still-hurting.jpg At about 4:30am Wednesday morning, Allie the dog wakes me up to take her outside. We don’t have a fenced-in yard which prevents me from just opening the door, saying “hope everything comes out all right” and close the door behind her on her way in. Oh no, I have to leash her and go with her. So, still asleep/groggy and in my underwear, we walk down the stairs. She must have really needed to go and pulled me down the steps. Aided by the dew, I lost my footing and found it again after my toes crunched into the stair post below. Ouch.

Bruising & swelling were instant. Iced compression was applied and went to work since I couldn’t go back to sleep.

Today, Thursday, I went to work even though the swelling/coloring was worse. I was convinced I should go see the doctor, if for no other reason than to verify there was no breakage. I checked in, stepped on the scale, blood pressure checked and had the foot scanned for damage. Results were instant. No breaks.

I really should write a blog detailing all of the dumbasses encountered so I can add Dr. King to it. Doctor King is a replacement physician because our previous doc took a job at UAB. I had attempted to visit Dr. King for the first time ever on a previous occassion last month but was left in the viewing room for over an hour. Not the waiting room, but the one behind the front desk. No doctor. I can hear him berate an elderly woman in the next room demanding “yes or no” answers. I walked to the desk, was told he is busy. I demanded my co-pay refunded and walked out. 2 days later he calls me and says he has taken on way too many new clients and asks for another shot. Ok, fine. Whatever.

So I gave him that shot today. Dr. King, aka “dumbass”, pulls the same stunt. This time, after waiting 20 minutes in the viewing room, I approached a nurse eating at her station and asked for Dr. King. Very rudely she said there were 6 clients ahead of me that he was attending to and needed to go to lunch as well. !!??!!

I asked for another doctor and of course, he was the only one attending today out of 6. Unbelievable. After a few choice words back & forth about patient care and customer service, I went back up to the front desk and had my co-pay refunded again and was asked if I told Dr. King off and that someone really should. Well, I would have if he ever showed up. I have never met the man and only spoke to him by phone.

The good news is the toe is not broken. The bad news is I have to find another primary care physician. Again. Ouch.

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