Last updated on September 3, 2024
Yes, my first challenge was to abstain from social media and RSS feed reading for 30 days but it is just not possible at this time. I am postponing this challenge and taking up a new one. Here’s why:
I am actively looking for a career back into the I.T. industry and using today’s tools such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus and more will help accomplish this. I need to nurture and grow my network, my followers and my circles. In addition to this, I have created a career page for myself.
It is amazing how much information has been accumulated during this time. I have almost 3800 unread articles in the feed box. My Twitter followers has increased without effort. I am being included in quite a bit of circles inside G+ with no follow-up on my part to do the same.
I’ve read new books, cleaned more, watched more Doctor Who, and learned more about MySQL and PhP (see the career page) during this self-imposed hiatus and am grateful.
My next 30 day challenge? Get that position in information technology of course! If I have to interrupt this and make it 15 days as well, I’ll let you know.
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