
dumbass.jpg Everyone who knows me, can attest to my good-nature and ability to get along great with people, but sometimes, that is not enough. This week, WonderWife discovered a used crib and changing table/dresser for a great price on craigslist Birmingham.
After the initial contact, status check of the furniture, we agreed to meet this Saturday to purchase. With cash in hand and traveling in a rented cargo van from Trussville to Helena, the owner called us 10 minutes out and said they had just sold the furniture!! What the ****?

Dumbass: “Didn’t you know there were other interested parties?”

Denbow’s: Um, no, how would we?

Dumbass: “They paid us what we were asking”

Denbow’s: Um, okay, we had cash in hand and were willing to part with it.

Dumbass: “Sorry about that”

Denbow’s **click**

The Dumbasses gave us their address an hour before the meetup and called 10 minutes before after traveling 40 miles one-way? On top of all this, the pregnant Wonderwife took it a lot better than I did. She was really looking forward to this furniture because it WAS a great deal because it is still available at Babies-R-Us for a lot more.


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