Whats In YOUR Wallet?

Last updated on October 4, 2024

…or more to the point, what is in your backpack when you go on your excursions to the great outdoors?

MUST-HAVES in the Mojo’s backpack include:

  1. water
  2. sunscreen
  3. insect repellant
  4. First aid kit, including aspirin
  5. camera
  6. both a spare long sleeve & short sleeve shirt
  7. a book
  8. Not in the pack, but a hiking pole

So what are your must-haves? What else do you carry?

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  1. January 19, 2007

    Dryer lint!

    Hands down, it’s the best fire starter out there. Super light, free and in abundance and takes up zero room in the pack. Just take out a pinch, fluff and light under some sticks.

  2. January 18, 2007

    Dryer lint!

    Hands down, it’s the best fire starter out there. Super light, free and in abundance and takes up zero room in the pack. Just take out a pinch, fluff and light under some sticks.

  3. January 19, 2007

    holy crap, Travis.. I never thought of that. Brilliant! You could probably save enough lint and use it as a quilt too. =)

  4. January 18, 2007

    holy crap, Travis.. I never thought of that. Brilliant! You could probably save enough lint and use it as a quilt too. =)

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