Know & Tell 10.22.09

Manifesto plurilingue e sesquilingue

It has been too long since I’ve updated my Delicious link sharing…

Best Business Practices For Photographers


How to Set the Price for Your Photography


18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer


Google Wave Notifier Alerts You to Unread Waves


Twitterfeed Floods Users Streams With Old Blog Posts


Keeping it Raw in Photoshop Part 2 of 3 + Digest September 15th, 2009


YouMail for iPhone Gets Push Voicemail Transcriptions


Make Unlimited Free Calls on Your Cellphone with Google Voice

Hulu Desktop Integration Brings Hulu to Windows 7 Media Center


Windows 7 Recovery Discs Gets Your System Out of Tight Spots

Camera Raw Profiles in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom


Flickr! Its made of people!

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