Using Your Noggin’

As a fairly new parent to a little girl, I am super protective. Wonderwife and I are allowing Daphne to explore age-appropriate television which is a cable channel called “Noggin”. No commercials, just content. All programs have developmental guidelines in various growth areas and social skills. I can appreciate that but she is still limited to only one hour a day (ideally).

Jack's Big Music Show

Jack’s Big Music Show

“Are you ready for some music and fun?

C’mon everybody give your foot a tap

C’mon everybody give your hand a clap

Look everybody this is my dog Mel

and my best friend Mary is super swell

Dum diddy dum dee dum day

Dum diddy dum dee dum day

There’s just one more thing we’d like you to know…

You’re always welcome on JACK’S BIG MUSIC SHOW!”

Daphne can watch this show anytime she wants. She is very musical and loves to clap, sing and dance along. With special human guest stars including Jon Stewart and Buddy Guy as well as various puppet animals, these three just want to play music. I find myself laughing at the situations and even singing along (for Daphne’s benefit of course!) This is a very entertaining, funny and intelligent show exposing kids to various music styles ranging from classical to rock.

Yo Gabba Gabba

Yo Gabba Gabba!

A grown man acting as a D.J. likes to play with toys that can dance when you say “Yo Gabba Gabba”. There might be a lesson or two in there somewhere, but I’m not sure. I could only stomach 5 minutes of this. However, it is VERY popular apparently. Thankfully, Daphne has little interest.


Lazy Town

There is a bad guy living in the sewer of this lethargic town who encourages children to embrace sloth. There is another guy in tights watching over the town in a blimp. The kids are stuck in the middle. So many choices! The good guy loves to demonstrate himself with over-exaggerated flips, twists, push-ups, bad costume and a weird mustache. I think he is also the writer, which completes the dude’s self-absorption. Daphne is banned from this show for all time, not for the message, but in the delivery of that positive message. Get off your lazy butt and turn that show off!

What Else Is There?

Parents with older children: please tell me it gets better, not worse. If not, I will have to pull the plug for all of us here at Casa Mojo…

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Chris Written by:


  1. December 12, 2008

    It does not get any better, we continue to try and limit our children to 1 hour of TV. Mine are to a point if a TV is on, no matter where you are they are going to watch it. It is like a drug!

  2. December 12, 2008

    It does not get any better, we continue to try and limit our children to 1 hour of TV. Mine are to a point if a TV is on, no matter where you are they are going to watch it. It is like a drug!

  3. December 12, 2008

    It does not get any better, we continue to try and limit our children to 1 hour of TV. Mine are to a point if a TV is on, no matter where you are they are going to watch it. It is like a drug!

  4. December 12, 2008

    It does not get any better, we continue to try and limit our children to 1 hour of TV. Mine are to a point if a TV is on, no matter where you are they are going to watch it. It is like a drug!

  5. December 12, 2008

    Does it get better? Not really but there is some good stuff out there. Look for Little Bear. My daughter always liked that one. We have moved on to SpongeBob which my wife hates but I have to confess I think it is hilarious.Lazy town is also banned from our house. Too…weird. However, Yo Gabba Gabba is nice in that weird 70s kind of way. There are also some very nice, surprise cameos in that show. Be on the lookout for Mark Mothersbaugh (formerly of DEVO) and even Biz Markie. I had to do a double take when I saw Biz.

  6. December 12, 2008

    Does it get better? Not really but there is some good stuff out there. Look for Little Bear. My daughter always liked that one. We have moved on to SpongeBob which my wife hates but I have to confess I think it is hilarious.Lazy town is also banned from our house. Too…weird. However, Yo Gabba Gabba is nice in that weird 70s kind of way. There are also some very nice, surprise cameos in that show. Be on the lookout for Mark Mothersbaugh (formerly of DEVO) and even Biz Markie. I had to do a double take when I saw Biz.

  7. December 12, 2008

    Does it get better? Not really but there is some good stuff out there. Look for Little Bear. My daughter always liked that one. We have moved on to SpongeBob which my wife hates but I have to confess I think it is hilarious.

    Lazy town is also banned from our house. Too…weird. However, Yo Gabba Gabba is nice in that weird 70s kind of way. There are also some very nice, surprise cameos in that show. Be on the lookout for Mark Mothersbaugh (formerly of DEVO) and even Biz Markie. I had to do a double take when I saw Biz.

  8. December 12, 2008

    Does it get better? Not really but there is some good stuff out there. Look for Little Bear. My daughter always liked that one. We have moved on to SpongeBob which my wife hates but I have to confess I think it is hilarious.

    Lazy town is also banned from our house. Too…weird. However, Yo Gabba Gabba is nice in that weird 70s kind of way. There are also some very nice, surprise cameos in that show. Be on the lookout for Mark Mothersbaugh (formerly of DEVO) and even Biz Markie. I had to do a double take when I saw Biz.

  9. December 17, 2008

    Torah really enjoys The Backyardigans. She loves to dance along with the music. It is one of the few shows I enjoy watching with her! I can't watch Yo Gabba Gabba, she has to watch that one with Jacob, it drives me CRAZY! Looking forward to tomorrows photo shoot:)

  10. December 17, 2008

    Torah really enjoys The Backyardigans. She loves to dance along with the music. It is one of the few shows I enjoy watching with her! I can't watch Yo Gabba Gabba, she has to watch that one with Jacob, it drives me CRAZY! Looking forward to tomorrows photo shoot:)

  11. December 17, 2008

    Torah really enjoys The Backyardigans. She loves to dance along with the music. It is one of the few shows I enjoy watching with her! I can't watch Yo Gabba Gabba, she has to watch that one with Jacob, it drives me CRAZY! Looking forward to tomorrows photo shoot:)

  12. December 17, 2008

    Torah really enjoys The Backyardigans. She loves to dance along with the music. It is one of the few shows I enjoy watching with her! I can't watch Yo Gabba Gabba, she has to watch that one with Jacob, it drives me CRAZY! Looking forward to tomorrows photo shoot:)

  13. December 17, 2008

    So people can go either way with Yo Gabba Gabba. Got it. I'm still banning it if possible! Thanks for the comments, gang!

  14. December 17, 2008

    So people can go either way with Yo Gabba Gabba. Got it. I'm still banning it if possible! Thanks for the comments, gang!

  15. December 17, 2008

    So people can go either way with Yo Gabba Gabba. Got it. I'm still banning it if possible! Thanks for the comments, gang!

  16. December 17, 2008

    So people can go either way with Yo Gabba Gabba. Got it. I'm still banning it if possible! Thanks for the comments, gang!

  17. December 28, 2008

    well at least our children only have television shows as drugs. Not like adults who have more complex obsessions. It is always best to do things in moderation.

  18. December 28, 2008

    well at least our children only have television shows as drugs. Not like adults who have more complex obsessions. It is always best to do things in moderation.

  19. December 28, 2008

    well at least our children only have television shows as drugs. Not like adults who have more complex obsessions. It is always best to do things in moderation.

  20. December 28, 2008

    well at least our children only have television shows as drugs. Not like adults who have more complex obsessions. It is always best to do things in moderation.

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