• Groundhog Day Resolution 4/4 Check-In

    This is my second check-in of GHR 2013. By now, most people have abandoned their NYE resolutions and that is where GHR comes in for me. So, on with my resolutions. Relocate back to Houston Texas Drop and lose 5 pounds a month for 4 months Learn…

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  • Feed Me

    With Google shuttering the wildly popular Reader, I’ve looked at some alternatives such as Flipboard, Feedly and even the other Google product, Currents. I am also trying to create a feed reader on my server using the TinyTiny RSS schema. Having issues with the PHP and…

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  • Home

    Wish I was where I was when I was wishing I was here. – Someone

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  • Freedom

    The minute I stopped caring about what other people thought and started doing what I wanted to do is the minute I finally felt free.

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  • Data Migration

    Just formatted my Linux laptop and am adding Windows 7 to it. I will then format the desktop drive from W7 and add Linux server to it instead. The desktop just can’t handle W7 but can run Linux easily. Of course my backup schema allows…

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  • Android “Holo” Design

    I’m always a sucker for apps and software that doesn’t look like it is generic or stock. I want something functional and sophisticated looking. That’s why my devices are in a constant state of evolution. Recently I purchased a few apps that have upgraded my…

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  • Signal vs. Noise

    The signal-to-noise ratio is measured by comparing the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. A lot of people on the web, myself included, are comparing the level of desired information to the level of distractions. How can we possibly filter…

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  • Happy GNU Year

    I’ve taken on another project that involves diving deep inside the Linux operating itself. For a few years I’ve been using a dual boot hybrid desktop using Ubuntu and Windows 7. I’ve added the Fedora distribution inside a virtual machine inside Ubuntu and deleted the…

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  • Black Sheep

    Completely customized desktop running Linux. Clean, minimal and eye-catching in it’s simplicity.

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  • Top 10 Android Apps

    I have two Android devices that are heavily used. The Samsung Galaxy S3 mobile phone and the Google Nexus 7 tablet. A few friends have asked which are the best Android apps out there. Well, that is subjective to opinion. I can share which apps…

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  • Today

    Sick on a cold grey day is a great excuse to stay in bed.

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  • Chromebook: For Me

    The Samsung Chromebook is a fantastic browser with a keyboard. It weighs less than  3 pounds with an 11.6” screen. The 16GB solid state drive is quiet and fast. Boot time is exactly 8 seconds to power on and go. True, 16GB is not much…

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