• Physically Challenged

    So I recently turned 40. I also just weighed myself at 197.6 pounds. Let’s round up to 198. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been. On a 5’7” frame…that’s a lot of BMI. In the past, I’ve participated in a few adventure races and loved…

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  • Reboot ∞

    To “reboot” means to discard all previous continuity and start over with fresh ideas. To scrap everything and start over with fresh ideas and perspectives. Previous posts (2005-2012) have been archived. This is my reboot and constant web evolution.

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  • Mayday! Mayday!

    Mayday! Mayday! My body and soul cried out for help as soon as I woke up this morning. I gorged on fast food last night and it was one too many times in a row. I fell off the wagon and hit rock bottom nice…

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  • Black Keys

    Just got back from the Black Keys concert at the BOK Center. My soul just got rocked and my ears are still ringing. This is a good thing.

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  • Going

    Living just to keep going. Going just to be sane. -The Black Keys

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  • Thoughts

    A lot of things are in my head and are trying to escape. Either I can’t articulate them or they are incomplete. Frustrating.

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  • Roughing It

    Why do people consider getting outside and into nature as “roughing it”? Here in the city and in the suburbs are chaotic. The traffic, the hassles, the deadlines and the noise are unbearable. The most enjoyable, peaceful times one can have are outdoors and even…

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  • The Process of Elimination…

    …is a true statement. My in-laws are renting a dumpster and setting it up in their driveway. They are planning on eliminating years of stuff this weekend. The rest of the family (local and even from out-of-state) are here to help with the purge, or…

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  • Let Me Stand Next To Your Fire

    I’ve been selling/donating books and throwing out old magazines. I’m saving space and money by going digital. The Evo has a huge screen but I still have eye strain when reading from it. My birthday is coming way too soon. I want/need the new Amazon Kindle…

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  • Simplicity

    Still sorting out what is being sold, donated or thrown away from our rented storage unit. I think we shaved off about 20% recently and I am not done yet.  I’m hoping that by simplifying my world I can gain more perspective on what matters…

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  • Y?

    The three of us enjoyed our local YMCA membership and I just cancelled it. As much as we enjoyed the idea of membership, we haven’t made time to use it.  My intention is to go back to the basics of fitness. I can do push-ups,…

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  • Tinker & Tweak

    Little DVD had a piece of her toy snap off and asked me to repair it recently. Once the part was snapped back into place she exclaimed that I was “just like Tinkerbell!” I assume she meant that I could fix things as well as…

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