12/12 GHR Check-In!

This is the final check in of the year where I evaluate the progress on my Groundhog Resolutions. This is the 10th
annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered
that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or
physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new
year. I need a break so I take the whole month of January off to reflect
and plan and start on 2/2 instead of 1/1.

After today I will take a break until next Groundhog’s Day (2/2/19).


Get another tattoo: Coming soon #fail

More camping: Had more than a few great camping misadventures this year!

More skinny dipping: Think I’ll have to skip that this year

Learn Spanish more fluently: Downloaded the Duolingo app for practice but haven’t used it. Will work with the MissAdventurer

Join a book club: No decent bookclubs around town.

50 Books a year challenge: Nailed it! I’ll share my reading list soon.

Snail mail friend: Fail mail

Volunteer: Who’s got the time?


Kickboxing: The gym offers one class…during the day. One day a week. Fail.

Self-defense: Can’t defend myself. Fail

Yoga: Almost daily. Is it supposed to hurt when I stretch?

More 5 & 10k obstacle course racing: I finished the Warrior Dash again. Next year I want to do a minimum of 3

training: Working out with Tracy is mutually beneficial. Accountability
may be the one thing I needed to maintain this.

nutritional training: Really been enjoying more meals at home. Eating
out is becoming frustrating and disappointing. This is making my
decision to eat in easier

Hashing: I’m done for this season. My foot injury sidelined me.

Hiking: I want to explore more but again, foot. Time to hit some light, low elevation trails.

Geocaching: Will I renew my premium membership that is due at the end of this month? Lets find out.

Meditation: Ommm… this has been beneficial but not consistent.


my book: I have been enjoying the process so far but It won’t get done
this year. There is too much I want to include and that involves more
research. Besides…still working on an ending.

Photo essay on a topic I am passionate about: Cold, crisp nights will help me round out my Tulsa After Dark series for the year.

Video log every month: This is so easy and yet it hasn’t been done.

Leave inspirational notes everywhere:

Year in photos album: Cannot wait to see what 2018 memories I’ll have at the EOY. I will work on it and display here soon.

Shoot more film: Film
is a precious commodity. A costly commodity. Sure, the Fuji camera is
fun but at almost $1.50 a sheet? I am convinced that I will buy a Canon
35mm soon though. It’ll be cheaper

have all the DSLR photos organized into yearly folders. Finally. Now to
sort the wheat from the chaff. Oh, and since I shut down Google photos, I
need to organize and integrate all these mobile pics from the years
too. I just doubled my work!

2018′s GHR has been about 50% successful. I’ll need to re-work some of these goals into something more manageable apparently. Overall, I think this was a positiv rebuilding year from a shitty 2017. Looking forward to an even better 2019. See you on 2/2!

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