4/4 GHR Check-In!

This is my third month. How am I doing?

Time to review my progress from this past month. This is the 11th
annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered
that because of the after the end-of-year holidays I am not mentally or
physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new
year. I need a break so I take the whole month of January off to reflect
and plan.

Dance lessons. Not yet!
Kickboxing/sparring: Not yet!
Disc Golf. Grabbed a disc set! Two drivers, one mid and one putter. Time to hit the course this weekend.

Yoga/Meditation: Progress. I now know why they call it yoga “practice”. Have to keep trying.

Learn Python: Haven’t touched it once this month

Sketching, drawing, doodling: Once. And it sucked 
Learn Spanish: nope
Learn Chinese: nope
Learn to play the ukulele: nope

DAM- Digital Asset Management: Haven’t been shooting
Write short stories. nope
Write micro fiction: nope
Work on that novel: nope
52 week challenge: fail


To answer the post’s original question: meh. Uninspired due to this new job I started a month ago.Now that I have a set schedule and warmer weather is consistent…I am out of excuses. See you back here on 5/5 for the next review of how I do!

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