8/8 Check-In

On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 7/7?

Nutrition & Training

The diet has continued to see some improvement on my weight loss goal. There have been some “slip-ups” but overall I am down 14 pounds with 28 pounds to hit my goal.
Since last month I have placed the gym membership on pause thanks to the global pandemic.

Yoga & Meditation

This discipline is lacking because it has been to convenient to roll out of bed 30m before I take my 15-step commute to my home office. Must to better!

Photography & Writing

  • Photography- I haven’t touched the archives in three months. I think I burned myself out more than halfway through the project. Must get back on track.
  • Writing- Send inspiration please.

The work-from-home situation is ongoing until further notice and this has affected my creativity. Last month I mentioned that I was searching for a new home office setup and I have found my solutions in a couple of desks, bookcase and leather chair. More on that later(?)


As always, I see some progress, see some room to do better, and hope that next month’s check-in will be better than the last!

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