7/7 GHR Check-In

Time to evaluate my progress for my Groundhog Resolutions, the 10th
annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered
that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or
physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new
year. I need a break so I take the whole month of January off to reflect
and plan and start on 2/2 instead of 1/1.

I’ll check back in on myself on 8/8


Get another tattoo: Coming soon

More camping: It’s hot y’all. And the last attempt was off asphalt and sand dunes. Fall cant get here fat enough.

More skinny dipping: Does a jacuzzi count? Then yes. When’s the next one?

Learn Spanish more fluently: Watching futbol and Spanish-speaking announcers helps(?)

Join a book club: I have given up on this one. Not enough interest for guys.

50 Books a year challenge: I have lost count but still going. Mixed signals here.

Snail mail friend: Eh.

Volunteer: Taking care of my business is challenging enough. Still looking for opportunities though


Kickboxing: Tae Bo for the win

Self-defense: Meh.  

Yoga: Almost daily practice using the Sworkit app. Is it supposed to hurt when I stretch?

More 5 & 10k obstacle course racing: See above. It’s hot.

Consistent training: Still going strong here. I’d like to add more days.

Consistent nutritional training: Work
in progress. I’ve dropped soda pop and going with water, soda water and/or beer. Less eating out too. Small victories.


Waiting on cooler. Got called out by THHH Mismanagement for it too. Will be paying for it when I’m back on trail.

Hiking: Taken
more than a few hikes this year and explored familiar and new trails.

Geocaching: I am 0 for 12 so far this year. Um, what? Meanwhile, Tracy has decided to sign up and has found two that I wanted.

Meditation: Will be utilizing the same space as kickboxing and yoga for this.


Complete my book: Researching settings, plot, characters and more. Novel or short stories? Hmm…

Photo essay on a topic I am passionate about: Waiting on warmer weather and a topic.

Video log every month: Landed
on Vimeo. Will post a link when it gets interesting but so far just
dark, grainy video of me looking tired but giddy for some reason.  

Leave inspirational notes everywhere: Send me inspiration.

Year in photos album: 2017 is just there, waiting on me. Cannot wait to see what 2018 memories I’ll have at the EOY.

Shoot more film: Buy more film. Ain’t cheap!

Find my muse: Found her. Now how to use her?

DAM: Constant work in progress here