• Self Care

    After months of traveling on the road for work, poor nutrition habits and then stop working, my body has had enough. I’ve crammed the 15 pounds lost last year back inside. My blood pressure has suffered. The clothes are tighter. I feel like crap. I…

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  • Time Travel

    Shooting landscape photography forces you to get outside and find the beauty around you. Sometimes this means discovering places right in front of your eyes that you just never noticed were beautiful before. Other times this means exploring new places and getting out on a hike…

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  • Strict Tolerance

    Be strict with yourself and tolerant of others. Your standards are for you.

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  • Unintended Consequences

    I hear the phrase “Don’t Care. Didn’t Ask.” quite a bit and only recently realized it hits harder than expected.

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  • Unintended Consequences

    I hear the phrase “Don’t Care. Didn’t Ask.” quite a bit and only recently realized it hits harder than expected.

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  • Suspension

    Ever since voluntarily leaving my job one month ago I’ve done my best to keep busy but this is slowing down. I’m grateful to have some dedicated time to complete a few personal projects and work on a few more. But I am in a…

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  • Suspension

    Ever since voluntarily leaving my job one month ago I’ve done my best to keep busy but this is slowing down. I’m grateful to have some dedicated time to complete a few personal projects and work on a few more. But I am in a…

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  • Breaking In The Ricoh

    I took the new Ricoh GR out for a walk yesterday to see how it performs under harsh lighting conditions. The images are just as sharp and vibrant as expected. But ugh, the scenery and subject matter is still the same so not really chuffed…

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  • Document > Create

    In the early years of my photography hobby, I would venture out and search for the most creative shots I could find. Using various tips and techniques that I had read about, I would try creative angles one day. Then the next outing would creatively…

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  • The “La Flor Dominicana” Factory Tour

    Hello and thanks for subscribing to the newsletter! Because of recent news of events on the island of Hispaniola, I’ve recalled a lot of memories from a few years ago when I was invited to photograph, document and serve the ongoing Christian missionary works based…

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  • TinkerFutzNPutz

    Over the past few weeks, I have retired the silver fox website and migrated everything over from the last 23(!) years to an Archived website for posterity. I purchased a new domain name (chrisdenbow.website) that matches my own because I had allowed someone else to…

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  • DVD Archives

    A long time ago I created a website for my daughter to document her growth. Over time, though, it was neglected and shelved. I came across an .xml file containing a few posts but not all of them so I built a new website archive,…

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