• Digital Jazz

    I’m digging this new Honda Accord commercial featuring jazz music. We need more of this please. Link followers and RSS subscribers can click here to see the video

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  • Life As A Diary

    The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another.

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  • Are You Ready For Some…

    People watch three hours of football to witness 11 minutes of actual play. This is why American football is boring and why rugby and soccer are the greatest sports in the world. 11 minutes of actual play 12 minutes of shots of the head coaches…

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  • Secret To Success

    Only a restless, broken heart can drive you to do what is necessary. — Jeffrey Zeldman, Dirty Little Secret of Success

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  • Freedom To Work Or Starve

    America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do, what…

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  • Sicko

      This whole being-sick-since-Christmas thing has got to go. I wish I could throw it away like a used tissue. It has thrown off all of my best laid plans of renewal and revival. Not to mention a longer than usual cold streak here in…

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  • On My Wall

    A big trend on Flickr and DeviantArt is to share one’s desktop wallpaper. I thought I’d share mine. I cannot stand clutter on my screen. I have to have everything nice and organized so I can get to it quick. The illustration is from Matthew…

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  • Scripture Sunday 01.10.2010

    “But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7 Who or what do you put your hope in? Your spouse? Government? Your bank account?

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  • Scripture Sunday 01.03.10

    Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1 I think we could all use a lot more faith this year!

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  • Let’s Do Something

    * We cannot keep doing what we are doing and expect change. Come to think of it, we cannot expect hope and change from those who would promise better things. The time is coming and has now come that we go back to what made…

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  • Sick & Tired

    I am ready to kick 2009 out of here and welcome 2010, aren’t you? It has not been a very pleasant year in regards to life changes here. I’m projecting a positive outlook and making the necessary changes. I love the "Good Riddance Day" idea.…

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  • Top 10 Feeds

      Based on my stats report from FeedDemon, the following 10 providers are the ones I give my attention to the most. Each provider has multiple, intelligent articles up every day. They are all well worth your time and mental bandwidth. Lifehacker Mashable WebWorkerDaily Digital…

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