• Roller Coaster

    I am extremely tired of riding the emotional roller coaster. Up & down, thrown for a curve. Up & down, upside down. I want to get off of this ride, please

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      Go to the address bar in your favorite browser, and type one letter. Start with “a”, end with “z”. Don’t do a web search. This is just in your address bar. Here are the first results in my address bar. Revealing, no? Alltop.com Box.net…

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  • The Times

                            Read not the Times. Read the Eternities. From the essay Life Without Principle by Henry David Thoreau, who was complaining about gossip and the trivialities of the daily news long before any of…

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  • Must See TV

        I don’t watch a whole lot of television but when I do, it has to be intelligent and make me think. Nothing fraks with my mind like LOST, which is airing it’s 6th and last season this week. If you haven’t been keeping…

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  • You’ve Got Rail

    Images are courtesy of Wired.com I have been a big fan of high speed rail systems as a means of commuter transportation for years. I am also in favor of making rails as a transportation for shipping products a priority over semi-trucks. I am not…

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  • Denbow’s Info Workflow

    Unless you’ve had your head up your hindquarters for the past ten years you are well aware that the internet is a great resource. Most of us use the net as a way to gather information and share it with others. This process of information…

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  • Don’t Be Anti-Social

    It is time to unplug yourself from Facebook page and Twitter account to go out and actually meet people. Real relationships trump online friends any day.

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  • You Want The Cute? You Can’t Handle The Cute.

    One of the best times of day for me is when I put our toddler down for the night. No, not because it is a chance to have some free time for myself, (although it does help). Daphne gets super cuddly, lays her head on…

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  • The Visual Mixtape

    I finally set up a website that allows me to aggregate and curate my graphic inspirations with a healthy dose of miscellaneous nonsense.

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  • Our History Is Science Fiction

    Anything you dream is fiction, and anything you accomplish is science, the whole history of mankind is nothing but science fiction.                                            — Ray Bradbury

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  • Firewall of Sound

    Firewall of Sound is a documentary looking at how the digital revolution has changed the way we receive and distribute the music we listen to. Why can’t music labels find a way to reward us for our audio passions instead of persecuting us? I grew…

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  • Meet Our New Photographer

    Little DVD has been enjoying the old digital camera she inherited. As soon as I cleaned it up and adjusted a few settings she couldn’t put it down. She even puts up a fuss when I take it back to upload photos to the computer.…

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