• Yawn

    Yawning is typically linked to tiredness, but a group of researchers from Princeton and the University of Arizona have found it may simply be a means to regulate brain temperature. My brain must overheat a lot.

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  • About Face

    Following the recent changes and hype regarding Facebook, I’ve decided to delete my account.  I’ve focused a lot of my energy back into this website and Google Plus. 

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  • Get Shiggy With It

    So I participated in the Beach Palooza 5k and adventure race on Galveston Island this weekend. Ouch. Every time I think I am fit enough, these events remind me of how much more work I need to do. The sadists who planned the course wouldn’t…

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  • Minus

    I am in the process of minimizing everything. A great purge is happening. The “for sale” and the “toss” piles are getting larger.

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  • Never Satisfied

    I’m doing it again. As the website’s current byline claims: “Never satisfied”, I am reorganizing and streamlining. Project 1: Adding Daphne’s images to her web gallery which is tied into this website http://chrisdenbow.com/dvd Project 2: Migrating all of my images off of both Flickr accounts (6…

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  • This is My Space

    This website was created about the same time MySpace was coming online back in 2000 and I’ve always said this is my main outlet. Sure, I’ve been lured by social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and now Google+, but always managed to find my…

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  • 15 Day Challenge

    Yes, my first challenge was to abstain from social media and RSS feed reading for 30 days but it is just not possible at this time. I am postponing this challenge and taking up a new one. Here’s why: I am actively looking for a career back…

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  • Mud Sweat and Beers

    I signed up for my first Warrior Dash adventure race and will be participating in it this Sunday. Wish me luck!

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  • DarkTable

    The new, open-source photo editing software, Darktable looks promising. It is an alternative to the $300 Adobe Lightroom software which I already own on the WIndows laptop. Darktable is currently running on the Ubuntu Linux laptop. So far so good!

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  • Version 11.2

    Yes, the website is going under another massive redesign. Yes, I am never satisfied. No, I am not too concerned with you lagging behind. Do try to keep, won’t you? Oh, and thank you for your patience and continued reading! 

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  • You Say You Want A Resolution

    So it begins. A new personal project that is not your average new year resolution. It is the Ground Hog Day resolutions. While similar to NYE, it is delayed for a month and starts on February 2 (today). I will also be posting monthly check-ins to…

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  • 01-01-11

    Happy new year to you! This will be a break out year for me and my family and I hope it will be the same for you as well. And because I can’t leave a post without an image, here are a few from our…

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