• Genius At Work

    Genius At Work, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. Daphne was slightly jealous that mom & dad play with their laptops and so we had to bring out hers as well. She’ll be writing code shortly, just you wait and see.

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  • -ing

    Reading: People of the Book, A Thousand Splendid Suns, A World Without End Eating: better Blogging: coming soon: Dashwire, Dropbox, Thwirl, ADrive and more! Photographing: This weekend:The Terminal anniversary party, OmegaCon, George Thorogood & the Destroyers Listening: 1. John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers (feat. Eric…

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  • Sicko

    the face of discomfort in the doc’s office Our little bundle of joy was not feeling so joyous yesterday. She’s had a fever off/on for the past 2 days around 99. When I got home from work, she was burning up, her hands/feet were cold…

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  • Monkey Girl

    Click to Play DVD loves the sound of her own voice as she shrieks like a howler monkey. This video was originally shared on blip.tv by mojodenbow with a No license (All rights reserved) license.

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  • Stratergery

    On Friday, a co-worker reminded us of these little things called "sniglets" from the 1980’s HBO series, Not Necessarily The News. A sniglet is defined as "any word that doesn’t appear in the dictionary, but pretends to".  Why he mentioned this out of the blue,…

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  • Be careful driving in Birmingham today!

    Be careful driving in Birmingham today!, originally uploaded by Southernpixel. About an inch of snow fell on Trussville overnight and it is sticking. Truly a major event down here in the South. Birminghamsters haven’t seen this much in a loooong time.

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  • .6

    Daphne, You have been a member of this world for 6 months and already, you have been a huge blessing in our lives. For the eleven years your mother and I have been married, you were on our minds. Now that you are here with…

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  • More Brain Dumping

    I’ve discovered that I would make an excellent old curmudgeon as I get older. I have just a few more ramblings to unload on you. Smoker/drivers: use your car’s ashtray and quit littering the streets When you are parked, please don’t empty your old drinks…

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  • links for 2008-03-07

    Libra | DVD, Book, Audio CD, Game library organizer software

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  • Top 10 Feeds

      According to FeedDemon, my RSS reader of choice, the top ten websites/blogs I read the most are: Lifehacker Mashable Read/Write Web Webware.com chrisbrogan.com TechCrunch Web Worker Daily Cybernet Eager Little Mind (Wonderwife’s website) Scobleizer According to Newsgator (the web version of FeedDemon desktop), the…

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  • UAB versus Tulsa

    Last night I had the opportunity to see my hometown Tulsa Golden Hurricane lose to my new town’s UAB Blazers at the Bartow Arena. The final score was 84-70. Tulsa had a great first half but the home team Blazers finished it for them. I…

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  • Giggling Girls

    Giggling Girls, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. My girls enjoy a picnic in the sun this past weekend.

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