• Happiness

    Baby Butterfly, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind. Yes, she is expressing it here but what you cannot see is my happiness just by looking at her.

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  • links for 2008-02-29

    Welcome to Google Sites (tags: google wiki collaboration tool sites jotspot web web2.0)

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  • links for 2008-02-27

    Wii Browser Portal « Wii Browser (tags: wii portal video)

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  • Not The Biggest Loser

    I applaud the people who can go on television and lose weight consistently. It is encouraging. I say this right after finishing more than a few nachos. My father informed me tonight that he cut out sodas and doesn’t miss it. He feels better for…

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  • 3:30 AM

    This woke me up from my precious beauty sleep (I need beauty hibernation). Anyway, light hail, high winds, mucho rain. Wonderwife and DVD slept through all of it. Heavy rains prevail for now so Im back to bed for an hour and a half. poof!

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  • Brain Dump

    Below are a few things I’ve been thinking about but cannot get out of my head to move on. I really dislike any/all award shows that congratulate themselves Which is better? A Cylon or a Terminator? Why do people flip you off after you honk…

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  • links for 2008-02-25

    Adobe Video Workshop (tags: adobe tutorials video tutorial photoshop design) Luv2Help.com (tags: photoshop tutorials tutorial video) PhotoshopGirl.com (tags: photoshop tutorials tutorial photography tools) PhotoshopKillerTips.com (tags: photoshop tutorials tips tutorial photography adobe blog cs3) PhotoshopUserTV.com (tags: photoshop tutorials video tutorial photography podcast adobe cs3) PSVideos.net (tags:…

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  • Daphne Cam

    Click to Play DVD grabs the camera and tries to chew on it. The camera barely survives. As seen on Video Mojo.info too This video was originally shared on blip.tv by mojodenbow with a No license (All rights reserved) license.

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  • On My Bookshelf

    I really enjoy the Jefferson County Library Co-op in that I can have the latest releases of books delivered to my area branch. I’ve decided to get back into reading which I have neglected since before Christmas. I find it very relaxing and a great…

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  • Completely Mental

    Work today was very stressful in that I was learning new concepts and ways of thinking for problem solutions and needs analysis. It kicked my butt. Not only that, it kicked 9 other members of my team as well. It really made me feel inadequate…

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  • The Denblog

    My brother John celebrated his 26th birthday recently and even got himself a blog. John is engaged to get married in March to a lovely woman who makes him happy. I was asked to be the Best Man. While this may be questionable to some,…

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  • links for 2008-02-19

    Adobe Lightroom Presets (tags: free lightroom photo raw nikon photography presets)

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