• Ready For Her Closeup

    BW, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. Last week we decided to hang our photographer heads in shame and have studio portraits of Daphne made for us. Wonderwife really wanted some baby pics before Daphne got too old and the grandparents love them. Here is one of…

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  • The Neo Jazz Collective

    Click to Play Under the direction of Dr. Lud Israel, this group of student musicians are recording favorite jazz hits at the Carver Theatre and the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame in Birmingham, Alabama. I have had the distinct privilege of photographing them for the…

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  • links for 2008-02-14

    A Visual Tour of the Dharma Initiative Stations

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  • links for 2008-02-13

    My ooVoo Day With… (tags: digital media social video videoblogging)

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  • Day Trip: Atlanta

    viewing gorillas at the Atlanta zoo Wonderwife decided to pack up the toaster on wheels (Scion xB) and head east to Atlanta. While there we stopped off at the zoo, Ikea and Trader Joe’s. This was Daphne’s first visit to Georgia outside of the womb…

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  • DSL Update

    I promised a status report on the conversion from Charter Cable Hi-Speed Internet to AT&T’s Fast Access DSL and here we go in brief. After one month of DSL, Wonderwife and I are very pleased. The wireless router has worked without fail and has managed…

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  • US Versus Mexico

    **UPDATE** USA and Mexico tied the game 2-2, although there was a USA goal reversed because of “offsides” penalty. Whatever. Now that the college and NFL games are over with, it is time to once again look at the real football season. The United States…

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  • The Mojo Endorses John McCain For President

    My name is Chris Denbow and I approve of this message. This message is not paid for by the Republican party nor the committee to elect McCain for President. Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, here is where Senator John McCain stands…

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  • Presidential Campaigns Stop In Birmingham

    In preparation for Alabama’s part on Super Tuesday (Feb 5), more presidential campaigns rallied for support here in Birmingham. President Bill Clinton stumps for his wife Senator Hillary Clinton in her bid to become the Democratic candidate for President. President Clinton stopped first in Huntsville,…

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  • Photo Friday 02/01/08

    The Love Lobster, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. It is February! How are you going to plan for your Valentine this year? Suggestion: don’t buy a hysterical looking love lobster and have it sit in the closet until the next year….

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  • Lost 4:1

    So after 8 months of waiting, the writers of Lost gave us this episode? Not as dramatic an opener as the other 3 seasons but more like just another episode with a 32-week break in between. Also, I chose to avoid watching the new series…

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  • Blue Balls

    Blue Balls, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. Keeping promise to myself to get back into shape with various activities such as this and trail running.

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