• IPSA Meeting This Friday!

    Google Tri-force: AdWords, Analytics, Optimizer Web site optimization requires an ideal mix these days of traffic, analytics and testing. Not so coincidentally, Google offers a suite of tool to assist web developers in all three areas. From advertising via AdWords to site analysis through Google…

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  • Field Test: Imified

    This is a test of the imified web app that allows me to post to several popular applications from my GTalk instant messenger. I am not writing this using WordPress, just IMified and Gtalk. How cool is that?Ok, time to test post in other apps…

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  • Flower Girl

    Flower Girl, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. Daphne spends a day at the Birmingham Botanical gardens

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  • Photo Friday

    photobooth friday, originally uploaded by girlhula. DIY Photobooth goodness!

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  • Smoke Stack

    Smoke Stack, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. I was in downtown Birmingham looking for the Photowalk gang mojodenbow.info/2008/03/31/april-fools-magic-city-photo-w… and saw a huge plume of black smoke up in the mountains (10 miles away) I couldn’t see what was burning but it was big and so I…

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  • Aviary Really FLies

    Aviary is a suite of rich internet applications that creatives can use to make art. Tools such as Phoenix, an image editor like Photoshop, or Peacock, a computer pattern generator. Let me tell you, these people are very creative and when they get their hands…

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  • April Fools Magic City Photo Walk in Magic City

    Flickr: Discussing April Fools Magic City Photo Walk in Magic City Yes, it is true, we ARE having another photowalk in the Birmingham area this Tuesday night. We’ll meet at 5:30PM in the Speakeasy downtown Birmingham. After a few drinks to um, enhance our shooting…

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  • ADrive

    When corporate headquarters reminded it’s employees that no personal music/photos/videos were allowed on company laptops, a collective “Oh crap” was heard throughout. After filling up my 8GB flash drive, I still had at least 10 GB more to remove. Then I remembered ADrive. This is…

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  • 10 Reasons to Watch Upcoming Battlestar Galactica

    Mostly lame and the actors seem uncomfortable with their lines, but it did have some highlights. Particularly #’s 5 & 6. Season 4 begins April 4th on the Sci-Fi Channel

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  • Heard Mentality

    So one of the biggest things going online right now is he ability to create a “mixed tape” of songs you upload and let anyone listen to. A listener cannot download songs for themselves. This is to protect the content’s copyrights. Overall, a nice idea…

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  • Evernote and Free Invites!

    EverNote is a spiffy application to take notes, web clips, images, etc. EverNote is a web app in private beta. I got a chance to see the EverNote Beta version and i am really impressed with it. With EverNote you can take Notes, highlight text on…

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  • Introducing My Space

    I’ve created and authored a lot of web sites/blogs and a friend of mine suggested that with all of theses sites inside of what I call Studio Mojo, I do not have a web presence that I can truly call my own. So, without delay,…

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