• Hey Brian, this is Chris…

    Hey Brian, this is Chris Mojo. ____ coming to you from Birmingham, Alabama. Just wanna call and say hey, how are you doing, and talk to you later. Bye. listen Powered by Jott

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  • Top 10 Feeds

    According to my FeedDemon reading habits. 1. Lifehacker 2. Mashable 3. Laughing Squid, 4. Cybernet Tech, 5. TechCrunch, 6. Eager Little Mind, 7. Webware, 8. The Image Is Found, 9. Thomas Hawk 10. Chris Brogan.com

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  • Brunch Bunch

    Anniversary Brunch from Video Mojo on Vimeo.

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  • Twelve Years & Counting

    My Girls, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. Today, Jenny and I enjoyed our twelfth anniversary by enjoying a cajun brunch and live jazz. I kept it simple with a ham/cheese omelette and she had the shrimp & grits. Afterwards found us on a stroll through…

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  • Can We Go Again?

    Can We Go Again?, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. Daphne just loves to slide!

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  • 8 Months & Counting

    Daphne 8 Months 2, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind. http://www.eagerlittlemind.com/2008/04/28/8-months/

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  • Swamped

    There is so much I want/need to share that it is overwelming. Although, after shooting a local art festival for 3 days, and about 6GB worth, I am spent. I’m preparing to go back to the day job today and I am beat. I’m working…

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  • Young Notinee Dancers

    young Notinee Dancers, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. Dance performance at the Magic City Art Connection in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. More photos on Photo Mojo when time allows. This festival is kicking my butt!

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  • Mayor Larry Langford

    Mayor Larry Langford, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. “It’s time to take back the city and repent of our sins. Evil will not prevail in my house”

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  • Mayor Langord Adorns His Sack Cloth

    Mayor Langord Adorns His Sack Cloth, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. “It’s time to take back the city and repent of our sins. Evil will not prevail in my house”

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  • Can You Hear Me Now?

    Good! I just upgraded from the ATT/HTC 8525 to the ATT/HTC 8925 or the Tilt. Why do you ask? Simple. As much as I loved the 8525, every time I sent a multimedia message (frequently), it accessed the data network to send and then stay…

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  • The 2008 Magic City Art Connection

    https://www.magiccityart.com/index.html Once again it is time to head to downtown Birmingham to enjoy fine art, let the kids romp/explore, enjoy delectable food/wine and enjoy musical acts from almost every genre at the Art Connection. Once again, I am shooting the event and will be there…

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