• Danica Takes The Checkered Flag

    In case you missed it, the first female INDY car driver to cross the finish line happened this past weekend in Japan. She has driven in 50 races and finally won her first. Way to go, Danica Patrick! Here are a few photos I shot…

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  • Weekend Update

    I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of weekend events and weekday goings on that I haven’t had a chance to mention them here. Life goes on but not without looking back a little… The Good Friday afternoon, we visited the Aldredge Gardens in Hoover and…

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  • My Girl

    Daddy & Daphne at Aldridge Gardens, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

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  • Wonderwife

    I’ve said it over & over again and it bears repeating that Jenny is simply amazing. I don’t tell her this enough nor express my appreciation very well. When she does something, she does it very well. The woman can cook, craft, raise a newborn…

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  • 10 Reasons To Be Happy About: the internet

    Flickr hosts videos now It is fun to see a lot of people’s minds at work on their Tumblr blogs. MIne: http://combomojo.info Listen to someone else’s mixed tape at Muxtape Vimeo rocks. So does Blip RSS is a huge time saver when reading blogs/websites I…

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  • Barcamp 2.0

    Impromptu Discussions, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. Another Barcamp has come and gone here in the Birmingham area and once again, we can claim a success. How do I know this? The presentations on cutting edge web development, online reputation, new media and breakout sessions on…

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  • Birmingham Weekly Write-up on Barcamp Birmingham

    Thanks Molly! http://bhamweekly.com/article.php?article_id=00745

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  • Introducing Combo Mojo (again)

    I’ve redesigned my Tumblr blog into Combo Mojo, added my custom domain (as opposed to tumblr.mojodenbow.com. This website pulls feeds from all of the websites in Studio Mojo. Now you can enjoy all of these websites into one by going to http://combomojo.info Want to grab…

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  • Barcamp 2.0 This Weekend!

    BARCAMP? So what is this “Barcamp” thing all about? Despite what the name implies, it is not a beer-guzzling excuse to go outdoors with over 100 people. Although the idea is tempting in itself… What I am talking about is a fantastic opportunity to come…

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  • Flickr Does Video

    Daphne Cam Originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo After what seems like a year of promises, Flickr has finally integrated videos alongside their photo hosting. The limits here are that you must have a Pro account ($25 per year), and the video files have to be no…

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  • Combo Mojo

    So I am heavily into this thing called micro-blogging, or lifestreaming and created a Tumblr account a long time ago. This site allows me to aggregate most of my Studio Mojo web feeds and combine them into automatic blog posting. I could post a blog…

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  • IPSA Meeting This Friday!

    Google Tri-force: AdWords, Analytics, Optimizer Web site optimization requires an ideal mix these days of traffic, analytics and testing. Not so coincidentally, Google offers a suite of tool to assist web developers in all three areas. From advertising via AdWords to site analysis through Google…

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