10 Reasons To Be Happy About: the internet

  1. Flickr hosts videos now
  2. It is fun to see a lot of people’s minds at work on their Tumblr blogs. MIne: http://combomojo.info
  3. Listen to someone else’s mixed tape at Muxtape
  4. Vimeo rocks.
  5. So does Blip
  6. RSS is a huge time saver when reading blogs/websites
  7. I can’t tell you how much money we have saved with Amazon in the past 10+ years.
  8. I think Gmail is the best email client out there
  9. All of the websites in Studio Mojo are ran with WordPress.
  10. Greasemonkey scripts are fanfrickintastic additions to my fave websites

Hopefully this will be a small series about ten good things in different fields.

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