• Seesmic and Trillian (invites!)

    Last night I received quite the surprise when I received invitations to try the new Seesmic Desktop client for Twitter and Trillian Astra, an all-in-one instant messenger client. Trillian Astra I had first signed up for Astra two years ago. They are currently on Build…

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  • Take Me Out To The Ball Game

    I haven’t been a fan of baseball since I stopped playing it back in the 6th grade. I’d cheer on the Yankees because there was no professional team close by when growing up unless you count the Texas Rangers. Ugh. Now that I live in…

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  • A Few Of My Favorite Apps

      Like many iPod Touch/iPhone owners, I love the third party applications that companies and developers create to enhance it’s functionality. I thought I would offer a peek inside my apps in hopes that you may see something you like and would need. Also, if…

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  • Reality

    My DNA soup is heavy on optimism and trust but lately it doesn’t seem to be enough. The situations we are facing as a country will affect almost everybody except those responsible for them. My family is no different. Ups and Downs Two years ago,…

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  • Photo Friday 04.03.09

    These are just a few tools of the trade. The iPod Touch and Moleskine journals.

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  • Drawing A Blank

    Me: I wish I could draw…or paint. Wonderwife: There’s drawing a blank…that happens quite a bit. Of course I drew a blank and couldn’t respond. Owned.

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  • Where Are You Going?

    They say that the best way to get where you are going is to look to see where you came from. How true this is of ourselves, the economy, our humble servants in Washington D.C. and just about everything else? Ask yourself if your mind…

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  • All Along The Rice Tower

    Katy, Texas

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  • What Have I Got To Lose?

    "I’ve had enough of singing this here blues…now I got nothin’…nothin left to lose"   What Have I Got To Lose? from Mojo Denbow on Vimeo. Little DVDenbow loves dancing to this song as seen on “Jack’s Big Music Show”. I love the message and…

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  • Rice Elevator

    Near the old KT rail line in Katy, Texas I wanted a dramatic black and white feel for these images. What do you think?

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  • What Are You Listening To?

    I discovered a Flickr Group recently called “Listening To Music With Headphones On”. Catchy, ain’t it? While the title is lacking, the group’s photos show emotion and passion for their headphones. We have to wonder what audio adrenaline they are enjoying. I’d love to see…

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  • signing Off

    Can I tell you how glad I am that the Battlestar Galactica series has reached it’s conclusion? Now if only ABC’s Lost would hurry up and have a point to the whole story I can write that off as well. As an adult I really…

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