
My DNA soup is heavy on optimism and trust but lately it doesn’t seem to be enough. The situations we are facing as a country will affect almost everybody except those responsible for them. My family is no different.

Ups and Downs

Two years ago, I was laid off from a job I excelled at. A week later, after eleven years of marriage, we discovered we were going to have our first child. Shortly after that, I secured another job. Two weeks before our daughter was born, I was on the cut list again. I managed to transfer within and get a promotion for another year until the pink slip was handed out. At this point, the trust had been broken.

Optimism and a new hope led us out of Alabama and into Texas. Houston was recently ranked as the #1 place to live and we were going to take advantage of it. Having family here was a major plus too. After wrapping up a contract job in December, I have been getting a few checks for my photography with portraits and event shoots. A direct hire and steady paycheck has been elusive. The optimism is waning. Unemployment rate has been reported as 8.5% and 6 million jobs lost since December. This is devastating.


Reality says with no income, things have to change. Reality says you cannot afford to pay a mortgage on an empty house in Birmingham Alabama for the past 8 months and rent at the same time in Texas. Reality also says that things are going to get tight when your savings is dwindling to scary levels.

Reality bites.

Hope Is Audacious, You Betcha

Like the image above illustrates, when things are dark and foreboding, there is usually a ray of sunshine and some hope. I’m staring long and hard to find that light right now. I want my optimism and trust back, please.


* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

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