Where Are You Going?

They say that the best way to get where you are going is to look to see where you came from. How true this is of ourselves, the economy, our humble servants in Washington D.C. and just about everything else? Ask yourself if your mind is stuck in the past or looking ahead towards the future.

Another option could be that you are afraid to look either way and that fear is causing you to stagnate here in the present.

It may be time to sit down and map your way to the goals you want to get to. Go ahead and put down where you are coming from, where you are now and the destination. It is okay to list some of the roadblocks, speed bumps and potholes as long as you find a way around these.

Another saying is that the journey is the thing, not the destination. So put the top down, crank up the tunes and put a smile on your face as you are getting there. Wherever “there” is.

This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

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