A Few Of My Favorite Apps


Like many iPod Touch/iPhone owners, I love the third party applications that companies and developers create to enhance it’s functionality. I thought I would offer a peek inside my apps in hopes that you may see something you like and would need. Also, if you have apps that you think we’d be interested don’t bogart them….share in the comments!

  • Skype– Make calls, send SMS, chat for free (wifi networks only)
  • Evernote– sync your voice, text, images, pdf files and more
  • Twitterific- Tweet and retweet with your followers
  • Fring– all of the most used instant messengers in one client
  • Brightkite– geo-location tool to let your contacts know where you are
  • Waken Shaken (alarm clock)- I like the soft green glow and nature sounds
  • Freshbooks– Invaluable invoice, time-tracking tool for client work
  • Box.net– web storage for all your files needing to be shared
  • Soonr- connect/sync with your computer’s files
  • At Bat- baseball season is here, time to keep track of your team!

* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

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