• Charmed, I’m Sure.

    I finally had the opportunity recently to meet Marie Angell, the lead vocalist, keyboard and songwriter for the Houston, Texas blues band, The Snake Charmers. We were at a social media event and knowing that the Mojo is a huge blues fan, gifted me their…

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  • Photographer Meetup 5.5.09

      We’re meeting again in Katy (West of Houston), Texas on Tuesday. Join us for free wifi, shop talk, socializing and shenanigans. Click below for the details.   * This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the…

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  • Flood Down In Texas

    So the Houston metroplex had a thunderstorm stall right over us last night/early morning that dumped a lot of rain in a short amount of time. We here in Katy (West Houston) got as much as 10.22” of rain. That is almost a foot of…

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  • The Concept of Modern Art

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  • Remember Your First?

    I’ve spanned a few generations of music media formats in my lifetime and was wondering about my firsts. My very first 8 Track tape was the Eagles’ Hotel California. First record was Dire Straits Brothers In Arms (Money For Nothing!). The first cassette tape ended…

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  • 13 Ways To Get The Attention You Need To Succeed

    Create a blog or website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Open a Twitter account (and follow me @mojodenbow) Be relevant and informative Grow your personal brand Monitor your online reputation Connect with people in the industry on LinkedIn Unplug and connect in the real world Ask…

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  • Know & Tell (4.21)

    Each week I’ll post a few links that I have saved that may be relevant and informative to you & me. 50 Great Photographers You Should Know Freelance Web Designer’s Toolbox The Disturbing Beauty of Oversaturated Pictures & Lomography The Ultimate How-To Grow Your Social…

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  • Rainy Days = Museum

    Wonderwife, DVD and I piled into the car to escape cabin fever and get cultured at the Museum of Fine Art Houston today because of thunderstorms. If you have not visited your local museums, what is stopping you? We have a membership to the MFAH…

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  • Take A Chance

    As a kid, my football team took a day trip to the lake. At this lake there is a 10 story drop into the water with underwater caves. After scrambling up the inclines leading up to the cliff, your first inclination is to take a…

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  • Happy Easter!

    Today we celebrate the historical fact that a man was killed and raised from the dead. Jesus is alive…w00t! To celebrate we enjoyed a wonderful message in church with friends/family, feasted on prime rib and relaxed. Here are a few images from little DVD’s Easter…

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  • Freelancing? You Need This…

    Freelance Camp Houston! Venue: Houston Technology Center Date: April 11th, 2009 Time: 10 am to 4 pm Cost: Donate (or Free if you are really broke) Register: http://freelancecamp.eventbrite.com Freelance Camp is a place to discuss and explore the different approaches to running a successful freelance…

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  • Katy Photographers Meetup

    If you are a photographer and live in Katy, Texas, (or anywhere else if interested) you are most welcome to join a small group of like-minded people. We’ll discuss anything/everything you want in regards to photogs, cameras, etc. The idea is to have an open…

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