• Hot 

    After three years of owning this MacBook Pro with the  M1 silicon chip, I got to hear the internal fan for the very first time. This machine can take quite a lot, but while I was importing images into Lightroom from an external hard…

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  • ugh

    Parsing an exported .json file into something readable like a plain .txt format is proving troublesome. These are old posts that need to be translated and then migrated over to the Archives site since they were not imported due to these .json errors. Unfortunately, there…

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  • I’ve Lost The Way

    I can’t tell you how many times in the past ten years that there was a desire to build and maintain a map as a photo gallery of places I have been and things I have seen in all of my travels. No, it’s more…

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  • Five Years Later

    After decades using Windows and Linux operating systems, I had had enough with both of them. In 2019 I decided to go all in on the Apple ecosystem and purchased a used  MacBook Air from 2015. In 2021, I decided it was time for…

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  • Well, That’s Sorted

    While going through all of my files, I discovered they were all scattered across multiple hard drives, backed up multiple times. A mess. I decided to make a master file and import all data into it. Then I started to weed out all the quadruplicates.…

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  • Text Is Best

    While migrating old web articles I have published in/out of databases, there are standard formats that should be universal or compatible with others. The issue I am having is that when exporting old data from a .json formatted document, I run into a long string…

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  • Update On iPhone Experiment

    I must have thought this was a good idea a year ago because I took the time to write it down and then promptly ignore it. A few days ago I wrote that this was the time to minimize my iPhone usage as an experiment…

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  • Minimal iPhone Experiment

    Apple has built-in software into their devices that allows you to track how much usage they get during a determined period of time and it is simply called ScreenTime. I noticed my screen time using the iPhone this past week was pretty high and I…

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  • Process

    In the early days in the life of this website, I never had a writing workflow. Each post was dumped from my brain to the keyboard with a shrug and a push of a button to send. Over time, I picked up tools such as…

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  • Post-Process

    I just said goodbye to the $112 Adobe Lightroom annual subscription, again. Now I need to dismantle my Portfolio. I’ll let the $75 annual Flickr subscription lapse to and see which of the 47k+ images they’ll cull down to 1,000 on a free account. This…

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  • What Have I Done? (2)

    With Apple support, I have gained partial access to some devices except my MacBook and AirPods. Apparently they are signed in on another, older Apple ID. I have been attempting to add/drop devices onto old ID and try again on new ID but now the…

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  • What Have I Done?

    I have made a mess of things while trying to simplify. I let a domain name expire that also had a custom email address attached to it and according to my domain registrar, lost both to a third party who scooped up that domain name…

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