• The Old Man Was Right

    Huh. Way back in the early to mid 1980’s, I had purchased a generic, portable cassette player that I thought was the cat’s ass. I had control over what I listened to and could take it everywhere. I could copy our family’s limited albums onto…

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  • Why

    Why write publicly? I’ve asked myself this question at least once a year, and my answer gets easier every year—no one cares. Writing, for me, is a tool to organize my thoughts and process them. It’s also a log for me to remember and look…

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  • Why?

    Why write publicly? I’ve asked myself this question at least once a year, and my answer gets easier every year—no one cares. Writing, for me, is a tool to organize my thoughts and process them. It’s also a log for me to remember and look…

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  • Play More

    Time to pluck the strings and finally learn how to play this ukulele. Pretty soon it’ll be music to my ears. Not anyone else’s, mind you.

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  • Rock & Roll

    As a follow-up to the previous post, I am looking for good cardio activities with low impact on my knees, so next up is cycling. I recently acquired a road cycle and am slowly getting myself up to speed so to speak. Paired with AirPods,…

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  • Play More

    Time to pluck the strings and finally learn how to play this ukulele. Pretty soon it’ll be music to my ears. Not anyone else’s, mind you.

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  • Rock & Roll

    As a follow-up to the previous post, I am looking for good cardio activities with low impact on my knees, so next up is cycling. I recently acquired a road cycle and am slowly getting myself up to speed so to speak. Paired with AirPods,…

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  • Just Add Water

    For the past ten years, I’ve been limited on active cardio activities for various reasons. I used to enjoy trail and/or bayou running but, because I run like the wind(ed,) nowadays, it isn’t an option. Not to mention the high-impact on my knees. Until recently,…

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  • Why Photography?

    I love looking through the photo archives. Photographs, to me, are a record. They show me how things were “way back then”. Lately I have been wondering what are the new photographs I have, as well as future images for? This is causing a thought-shift in…

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  • Why Photography?

    I love looking through the photo archives. Photographs, to me, are a record. They show me how things were “way back then”. Lately I have been wondering what are the new photographs I have, as well as future images for? This is causing a thought-shift in…

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  • Interesting

    With all of the recent life changes and the move to Florida, there are lost friends and now- found friends. Sure, I’ll miss those guys and girls in Tulsa, Houston, Birmingham, and Joplin, but for the past few weeks here in Florida, we’ve been greeted…

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  • Interesting

    With all of the recent life changes and the move to Florida, there are lost friends and now- found friends. Sure, I’ll miss those guys and girls in Tulsa, Houston, Birmingham, and Joplin, but for the past few weeks here in Florida, we’ve been greeted…

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