• Sparring Partners

    Most of us need fewer friends and more intellectual sparring partners. Friends can be easy to come by. Intellectual sparring partners are harder to find. They will call you on your BS, question your assumptions, and push you to think bigger. Find your intellectual sparring…

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  • Precession of the Equinox Circles

    The Hoover Dam hides an intriguing secret connecting sky to ground and past to present, using a similar “as above, so below” system of measuring time displayed at the Giza Pyramid of Egypt. Located on the Nevada side of the Hoover Dam is an monument…

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  • Just For The Hell Of It

    I’ve been thinking a lot about what I do, what I want to do and understanding my motivations. Not sure if this is because I just turned 50 and may be having some kind of crisis. Doesn’t feel like it. I am learning how to…

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  • 2023: Chapter One

    Today is the day! It is February, 2nd, 2023 and it is time to start a new chapter for the new year’s resolutions. Here is a quick list of things I want to do for the new year: Learn Spanish More meditation & yoga Organize…

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  • An Offshoot Of Meditation

    ““Journaling is an offshoot of meditation—a type of introspection where a record of events is welcome. It doesn’t have to mean the record is permanent. In fact, it’s probably better as ephemeral—permanently locked behind a password. But, the fact that it exists is a comfort…

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  • 2023: Preface

    Let’s be honest, hardly anyone is in the right frame of mind to create and stick to their resolutions in a new year. We expect too much in January, so I say don’t start working on resolutions until February. There are some people, believe it…

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  • Being Sane

    “I wish to get America out of my head and be sane a part of every day.” —Thoreau’s journal, January 7, 1857

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  • Random Thoughts

    I like to borrow e-books from the library. If I buy a physical book, it will be only after I know it is a book I will love and come back to.This prevents me from buying and owning books I don’t love. Saves money too.…

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  • Learn

    “Learn to like what doesn’t cost much.Learn to like reading, conversation, music.Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, rowing, climbing hills.Learn to like people, even though some of them may be different…different from you.Learn to like to…

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  • What Did I Learn In 2022?

    What did I learn, or discover during the year of 2022? “I learned that I have more to learn.” My book reading total surpassed the goal of 22 books in 2022. I keep track because I need to look back to remember what I have…

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  • Changes

    A quick list of things I want to accomplish for the new year; or more accurately, “Changes I need to see in 2023.” Learn Spanish More meditation & yoga Learn Adobe Bridge, PS and LR more Quit smoking No alcohol No Soda Lower BP Learn…

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  • 50


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