• Seems Excessive

    Apple Weather is warning me about Excessive Heat (104* F) as I am working outside all day. Yeah, I got it. Thanks!

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  • Kodak H35 Film

    I received that magic email that my prints and scans are available this morning. Because this was a new camera, there were a few images that were too dark (low light never helps either.) Over all though, I am pleased with how very analog the…

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  • In previous post I’ve shown a Field Notes notebook in the photo which was the inspiration for this webpage. The analog notebook is used to document and organize my film notes such as dates, film used, ISO, and the event the film roll is used for. …

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  • I’ve just shot my last frame on the Kodak H35 camera using Ilford HP5+ BW film this morning. Now I am looking for a local developing lab. I want to have the roll developed, receive the negatives and a contact sheet and also to have them digitally…

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  • I Don’t Like This About Film Photography

    I don’t like overpaying for film rolls. Film photography is not a niche market anymore. It is resurgent. Time for the prices to come down. I don’t like the fact that I lose one roll due to loading issues inside the camera when the spool…

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  • I Like This About Film Photography

    I like the science of film developing with the smell of chemicals in a darkroom. I like the magic of film developing when your image appears like an apparition after being immersed in those chemicals. I like the fact there are no storage cards, no…

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  • Changes

    For the past fifteen years, I’ve maintained a website dedicated to my photography. I have been an active photographer for thirty years. In those fifteen years my website has endured, it has seen a lot of changes in server hosting, domain name changes, design and…

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  • Photography Workflow Using The iPad Pro M1

    I had first published this guide in early 2019 in an effort to simplify my post-process photography workflow using the 2018 iPad. After decades of desktop and laptop processing, I wondered if the iPad was a solution for me.  Previous year articles from 2021 and 2019 Can the iPad replace the laptop…

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  • Not A Quitter

    Leaving behind something that worked for awhile to pursue something different takes courage. It isn’t quitting. It is a pivot to something more beneficial. I have been an active user of the internet since 1995 and have left massive breadcrumbs to trace back to me…

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  • Things Can Only Get Better?

    Websites and social media platforms are getting aggressive in the monetizing of their services because- who knew that providing a platform for free is not sustainable? No one wants online advertising either and we all live with it because these web developers have to have…

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  • Time Off

    It has been a little over a month since stepping away from my website- I needed the break. Before dusting off the HTML code though, I’ve had some time to reflect on a few things including my participation on the WWW. More on that later.…

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  • On Friendship

    Like the Greek philosopher Aristotle says about friendship: 1. There is the one friend who you can hang out with. 2. The one you call friend because you want that person to do something for you.     3. The friend who helps you become…

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