• Critical Mass

    Twelve years ago I was driving through the River Oaks area in Houston at night and came across 200 cyclists with their rigs all lit up, and their flags flapping in the breeze. It looked fun but annoying because cyclists are always preaching “share the…

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  • Site Additions

    I’ve added a Micro page to the website that compiles all of my quick thoughts in one setting (think Twitter-like feed). I also built a TIL (Things I’ve Learned) page shared on a weekly basis.

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  • 12 Down, 12 To Go

    Halfway through the 2024 reading list and I feel as if I am on a spree. The first quarter of the year was slow reading with work travel, relocating and heavy, difficult books to sort out. The libraries felt generous and dumped four books on…

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  • USB ♣️

    Two weeks after receiving my specialized USB Stick, I am finally in the club. Now I can share files with others and pick/choose what files I would like. File formats include pdf, jpg, mov, etc. Here’s a look at the console below. Once I have…

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  • Type Art

    There are many reasons as to why I was looking forward to utilizing my typewriter after I relocated. One, was to make art from it. I’ve been a long time fan of ASCii art but there are people out there that have taken it to…

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  • Between < and >

    I’ve had a pretty shit week. If I wanted to sugarcoat anything, I’d go buy a beignet. The amount of stress-induced breakdowns and resulting physical ailments I had these past seven days is taking a toll. It was mostly job stress, but also a lot…

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  • HTML

    I am in a mood again. Thinking about keeping this website online as a private online archive while at the same time, writing to the journal inside my own offline database. If I do take this private, it’ll be a stripped down HTML-only version. Stay…

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  • Say It Again

    Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything has to be said again.

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  • Type Is Dead

    Well, just my typewriter, actually. The local repairman said no way, and it would be cheaper to get a different one. It now rests in the trash bin behind that shop. So now I am on the lookout for a different model and color. In…

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  • Wisdom

    You can lead a person to wisdom but you can’t make them think.

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  • Read & Write

    The Los Angeles Library system recently purchased a local book publisher and plans on publishing even more from local authors. Brilliant! Local libraries could and should support people to self-publish books, e-books, websites, etc. Instead of just computers for the homeless to play games on,…

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  • Disconnected

    I just had my cellular data plan shut off…deliberately. My talk and text plan still allows basic communication when I am out and about. Let the great experiment begin!

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