Novel Ideas

I have been an avid reader since I can remember, and that memory goes back quite the distance. And in that whole time I’ve always felt that there is a story for me to tell, something that hasn’t been written yet and it was up to me to tell it since no one else will. The trick is to tell a compelling story that is unique or maybe offer a small twist. I do not have lofty aspirations nor fancy myself as a brilliant writer- at all.

Now that the disclaimer is out there I can proceed.

The idea of a my first novel came from a photo book documenting the Angkor province of Cambodia from the Khmer Empire, a topic that hardly anyone knows anything about so of course I was intrigued and have been pursuing research and ideas on how to tell a story there. That has been burned in my brain for the past thirty years.

During this past month I was in a hotel room alone with my thoughts and there were plenty of thoughts for other novel ideas. Work by day then come back to the hotel at night to read and write. As I said, for one month I have generated almost thirty-five (35!) novel ideas and concepts. I have even gone so far as to come up with plot lines from start to finish on most of these. At least ten unique characters to be interjected as well.

To break them down I’d say at least 20 of these are novel sized with the remaining 15 are more like individual short stories that can/will be combined into one overall story with a common theme.

My brain and fingers are swollen from over use but I am pleased.

There are so many issues though with the most difficult being- which story do I want to start first? Which one do I invest my time in research and development? Should I start on a smaller series and build from those small victories?

All titles shown are incomplete, personal property and are subject to change


.I need a photo project and have always wanted to do a one photo of the day every day for a year. Well, with the new year coming up soon, it’ll be a great chance to launch this project.

The camera I will be using is the aforementioned Hipstamatic model 10 with a variety of lenses, film and flash gels to keep it interesting. 

I hope to do this project mindfully but on the off day when that isn’t possible there is always “snappy hour”, a prompt from the camera to shoot one hour before sunset to capture the best light of the day. Every day an image is snapped, the camera will stamp the photographic passport to keep me going. 

I’ll post some worthy images on the photography website and all of them will be on the Flickr gallery page.

2024 Reading Goals

Every year I set goals on how many books I want to read in a year and end up exceeding them. In the upcoming 2024 new year, I am going to slow the pace down to savor and appreciate what I am reading.

The titles are already chosen with a more than a few backups for a total of 21 books. As book readers know, there are times you devour it quickly, others are cast aside because it just wasn’t worth your time invested into it. There is also a very real possibility that one book lends itself to another, completely different book not on your list but you feel compelled to follow that path and acquire it. I love it when that happens. 

All titles subject to change based on nothing but a whim

I reinstalled the Book Tracker app and added the titles I want to read and then I will update the progress accordingly. Because without it, I consume too much and forget what I’ve read previously. I also signed up for a relatively new social book site called Literal to help track reading goals and discover new titles socially. 

The Libby software app requires a library card to download e-books which will help download desired titles and can also be transferred to the Kindle e-reader.

  • The Future
  • The Divine Comedy, or Dante’s Inferno
  • I, Robot
  • Foundation & Empire
  • The Rest of the Robots
  • Gold
  • Pines
  • The Paleontologist 
  • Exadelic
  • Dr. No
  • The Paradox Hotel
  • Dune
  • XX
  • The Age of Spiritual Machines
  • Rabbits
  • The Quiet Room
  • 1Q84
  • The Conservative Futurist
  • Lost In Time
  • Starter Villian
  • Alice In Wonderland

Also, the Bookshelf page of this website has been neglected so that too will change and get updated with current read and previous books read.

2024 Reading Goals

Every year I set goals on how many books I want to read in a year and end up exceeding them. In the upcoming 2024 new year, I am going to slow the pace down to savor and appreciate what I am reading.

The titles are already chosen with a more than a few backups for a total of 21 books. As book readers know, there are times you devour it quickly, others are cast aside because it just wasn’t worth your time invested into it. There is also a very real possibility that one book lends itself to another, completely different book not on your list but you feel compelled to follow that path and acquire it. I love it when that happens.

I reinstalled the Book Tracker app and added the titles I want to read and then I will update the progress accordingly. Because without it, I consume too much and forget what I’ve read previously. I also signed up for a relatively new social book site called Literal to help track reading goals and discover new titles socially.

The Libby software app requires a library card to download e-books which will help download desired titles and can also be transferred to the Kindle e-reader.

  • The Future
  • The Divine Comedy, or Dante’s Inferno
  • I, Robot
  • Foundation & Empire
  • The Rest of the Robots
  • Gold
  • Pines
  • The Paleontologist
  • Exadelic
  • Dr. No
  • The Paradox Hotel
  • Dune
  • XX
  • The Age of Spiritual Machines
  • Rabbits
  • The Quiet Room
  • 1Q84
  • The Conservative Futurist
  • Lost In Time
  • Starter Villian
  • Alice In Wonderland

Also, the Library page of this website has been neglected so that too will change and get updated with current read and previous reads.

The Fox Den’s Library page

Book Tracker app

Literal website

Hipstamatic Model 10

One of the very first apps I installed as a new iPhone user back in 2014 was the Hipstamatic camera touting that “digital has never looked so analog” and I have been a fan ever since. Recently Hipstamatic has updated their camera to include several new features to enhance the experience such as:

  • Multiple exposure
  • Hard flash buttons
  • Manual mode
  • New analog viewfinder and camera menu system 
  • Delayed developing mode to simulate the wait time that one would experience when developing a roll of film.

I rarely use multiple exposure but plan on changing this in the upcoming new year. The new delay development mode will allow me to focus on shooting and enjoy the results later. 

With an exhaustive supply of lenses, film stock and flash gels the developing of images is limitless in its creativity. 

Throw in fun challenges like “Snappy Hour” to shoot one hour before sunset in the golden light and adding stamps to the daily passport and the experience just gets better and better. 

Want to see some of the results? Check out my Hipstamatic section on the photography website.

Hipstamatic Model 10

One of the very first apps I installed as a new iPhone user back in 2014 was the Hipstamatic camera touting that “digital has never looked so analog” and I have been a fan ever since. Recently Hipstamatic has updated their camera to include several new features to enhance the experience such as:

  • Multiple exposure
  • Hard flash buttons
  • Manual mode
  • New analog viewfinder and camera menu system
  • Delayed developing mode to simulate the wait time that one would experience when developing a roll of film.

I rarely use multiple exposure but plan on changing this in the upcoming new year. The new delay development mode will allow me to focus on shooting and enjoy the results later.

With an exhaustive supply of lenses, film stock and flash gels the developing of images is limitless in its creativity.

Throw in fun challenges like “Snappy Hour” to shoot one hour before sunset in the golden light and adding stamps to the daily passport and the experience just gets better and better.

Want to see some of the results? Check out my Hipstamatic section on the photography website.

Flickr Or Extinguish?

I am on the fence about renewing the Flickr backup and photo community. I could go monthly at a higher rate or take advantage of their two year plan for a cheaper monthly option. Am I using it effectively? Not for the past 6 months but I do hope to make use of it again. Hmm…

Play With The Toys You Have

Thankfully, after years of curating the perfect device and software setup I am content. I do not need the latest and greatest. With all of the “Pro” computing tools I have acquired, I can rely on years of use and design aesthetics to satisfy.

Gratefully the same applies to camera equipment. I have scaled down my digital cameras to a total of one with two lenses, two different film cameras for different uses and the iPhone.

With Christmas coming in a couple of days and an upcoming move, I am reminded of how much stuff gets acquired and not used. And why accumulate more when you don’t play with the toys you have?

Apple Journal

It’s finally here and the hype does not live up to the anticipation. It is basic and definitely not a Day One journal killer yet but it is close. Will it take me away from journaling in my FoxOS database or field notes using pen and paper? Not yet, but its on the iPhone and convenient.


I’m looking forward to getting back into daily habits such as:

  • Meditation- 10m
  • Yoga – 20m
  • Walking – 30m
  • Reading – 30m
  • Journal – 10m

Believe In Doubt

“Life is complicated. It’s filled with nuance. It’s unsatisfying… If I believe in anything, it is doubt. The root cause of all life’s problems is looking for a simple f**king answer.”

Anthony Bourdain

No simple answers- just finding, discovering, wandering.

Lost and stupid sounds great if I can get out of my own head where I frequently feel sure and smart.