• Obsession

    “Lastly, if there’s anything I can convince you of: you should build a personal site, you should obsess over it, you should meticulously document it, and you should have quite a bit of fun doing so. (It’s worth it.)” – Justin Duke

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  • Text Is Best

    While migrating old web articles I have published in/out of databases, there are standard formats that should be universal or compatible with others. The issue I am having is that when exporting old data from a .json formatted document, I run into a long string…

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  • Systems Diagnostic Check 3.3

    It is March 3 (3.3) and time for a check-in to see how I am responding to my own goals for the year so far. This year it is in a language I can understand, such as considering my body, mind, and soul as a…

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  • Update On iPhone Experiment

    I must have thought this was a good idea a year ago because I took the time to write it down and then promptly ignore it. A few days ago I wrote that this was the time to minimize my iPhone usage as an experiment…

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  • Memex

    A better part of the day was spent looking for .xml files that contain my old blog posts. I managed to find posts from 2006-2010 and then migrate those to another website as a semi-permanent record. 2010-2023 coming as soon as I import them into…

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  • Yeesh.

    Just going through a few back up hard drives and re-discovering some past writings. I need to sort and get them all into one place instead of scattered. Yeesh, what a nightmare I’ve created.

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  • Archived

    This website has been relegated as a repository from all of my previous published articles from 2006-2023. I am missing five years worth from 2001-2005 due to the fact that I lost the 3.5″ floppy disk during a move and never copied or backed it…

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  • Minimal iPhone Experiment

    Apple has built-in software into their devices that allows you to track how much usage they get during a determined period of time and it is simply called ScreenTime. I noticed my screen time using the iPhone this past week was pretty high and I…

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  •  Issues

    Having multiple  accounts should be nice and simple but leave it to me to complicate matters. Despite documenting all credentials and passwords, toggling back and forth has been frustrating. Yes, I blame myself, not .

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  • Time Machine

    “My camera is a Time Machine. A camera can be able to stop the world, in that we stop the world and then investigate what is there, carefully.” -Hiroshi Sugimoto

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  • Experiment

    I want to do an experiment soon to see if I can go without my iPhone for one day. I think we are too dependent on this damned thing. I’ll set up some alternatives that I use daily and then monitor the data with Apple…

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  • Process

    In the early days in the life of this website, I never had a writing workflow. Each post was dumped from my brain to the keyboard with a shrug and a push of a button to send. Over time, I picked up tools such as…

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