• The Future

    I’ve mentioned previously that something about writing online has to change soon. I’ve looked into the options to host my decades of digital journals with various low/no cost alternatives and they suck.  Speaking of The Future, I just finished this book of the same name as…

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  • This book, like the Rabbits novel is not an easy read and requires patience and concentration. There are so many layers and even a soundtrack to listen to complete the novel (much like the Rabbits podcast). This will take some time

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  • Attempting to build a web page on this site dedicated to creative writing and the format is failing. Hmm. Create a separate subdomain?

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  • Asides

    I am experimenting with a sort of short form writing called an “aside,” here on the website. These are designed for quick thoughts as opposed to long form posts. I wanted to sort and categorize these in to an individual page but haven’t sorted out…

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  • Test post from the iOS app to publish. Can you read me now?

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  • Woke up this Monday morning to a thick layer of ice over everything and not having to go to work.

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