• Start Somewhere

    You have to start somewhere. That first step. A new mindset. A deep breath. Load that bullet and take your first shot. That first sip, a new notebook and pen. Make that call or email. Just start.

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  • Self-Help

    Disconnect I’ve been experimenting with Airplane mode on my devices to focus on anything else that is productive. This allows me time for myself to focus, recover and reflect. Also great for dedicated time spent with others. Walking Solvitur ambulando is Latin for “it is…

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  • Rewilding

    Excerpt taken from a book coming out next month called Rewilding: Before embarking on a hike through a forest, meadow, or other wild space, take a few moments to center yourself. Close your eyes. Take some slow, deep breaths. Allow your exhalation to be twice…

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  • InstaDelete

    No, I didn’t delete the Instagram account but I did remove it from my phone as a discipline test. A little over a year ago I was in the same mood. Funny how IG keeps bringing people back.

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  • Zero

    Zero screens after 9p Zero soda Zero Zero down elevator Zero excuses Zero Netflix Monday-Thursday Zero Inbox Zero Social Media

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  • Digital Rights

    I’ve been thinking about this subject recently. Our digital purchases are not really ours.

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  • Sunday To Do

    Ignore To Do lists Study creative people (Thanks K. Smith and Kleon) Read and read some more Sketch Add some photos to the physical photo journal Add to my private, physical journal Tidy up the lawn and garden from leaves and random street trash

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  • Grounded

    Yesterday on our hike, we came across a thin trail offset from the original trail that wasn’t too obvious. What was obvious was the fact that I was going to take it and we weren’t disappointed. The trail led us to a rocky overhang looking…

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  • Let’s Take This Outside

    MissAdventure and I woke up this morning to take advantage of the gorgeous Autumn weather to take a hike at the Redbud Valley Preserve.

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  • Have A Drink

    I’ve always said that I am too young to drink coffee because growing up, only old people drank coffee. Now even children are doing it. My own child loves that Starbucks crap. I still don’t drink coffee and I’ll probably will never understand how it…

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  • Now Is The Envy Of The Dead

    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away, and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well, and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of…

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  • Feel The Burn

    Thoreau asked his diary on November 13, 1851, “Is not this a glorious time of year for your deep inward fires?” November is a great month to stoke those internal fires.

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