• Enter The Darkroom

    Camera: Canon Sureshot Film: Ilford HP5+ ISO 400 35mm Processing: C-41

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  • Lifestyle

    New goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. A lifestyle is not an outcome, it is a process. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results.

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  • Daily

    Read daily Walk and think daily Write daily Meditate frequently Be grateful daily Enjoy isolation Shoot daily Start now

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  • Perfectly Imperfect

    Ever since I switched from film photography to digital (2001) it seems like there was this mad desire to shoot the sharpest, balanced images. New cameras carried newer sensors to help compensate. Shortly after the conversion though, a lot of us played around with digital…

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  • Film Photography 101

    It has been a long time since I step foot into a darkroom to process my 35mm film rolls (high school!) and I have forgotten just about everything. I do remember enjoying the way my hands smelled of developer and toner as I watched my…

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  • Blog Death Is Greatly Exaggerated

    “RIP blogging we all tried real hard to make the internet good and then corporations and rich idiots destroyed everything a generation of writers tried to build” And “there’s almost no space for writing anymore that’s joyful or an attempt to be creative. hardly anyone…

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  • 100 Word Story- Eviscerate

    Clint logged into his account and began to pour out his thoughts and feelings that consumed him that day. After reviewing this draft he decided it was time to share with the world and pressed “send.” After awhile Clint received notifications from the site that…

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  • Never

    “Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul”

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  • We Were Made For This

    A man’s true delight is to do the things he was made for. He was made to show goodwill to his kind, to rise above the promptings of his senses, to distinguish appearances from realities, and to pursue the study of universal Nature and her…

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  • 110mm

    I’ve been looking for another analog film format camera to compliment my 35mm and instant film cameras and I finally found a solution I cannot wait to try. The Canon 110ED can produce high quality images and I love the James Bond-inspired design of this…

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  • Faulkner House

    While traveling through Pirates Alley by Jackson Square in New Orleans, I finally discovered the Faulkner House, a literary landmark where future Nobel Laureate William Faulkner penned his first novel. Other authors such as Ernest Hemingway were known to have stayed there for a time…

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  • Just Stop

    Top 10 Black Friday deals still available Hyper Black Friday offers 30% off site wide Killer deals: save $ while supplies last Save a ton on great accessories in our huge Black Friday Sale Give yourself the gift of ___ Check out these sales from…

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