• Retreat

    In a little over a week I’ll be enjoying nine days off. So looking forward to this time of travel, food, fun and reflection. November is the perfect time to reflect, think and scheme for me and I intend to take full advantage of this.

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  • Night & Day

    Sunday, November 10th found us hiking the trails. In shorts! Monday, November 11th found me bundled up and marshaling the Veteran’s Day parade. I woke up and the temperature was 61. By 8am it was 37. By 9am it was raining, then ice, then flurries.…

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  • Plus & Minus

    I wanted to lose 25 pounds this year. I only have 35 more to go.

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  • Film Is Not Dead

    Analog film photography: it’s not perfect and maybe that is what I love about it. In these days of instant gratification and little effort, everyone can make photos. Everything is digital, clean, sharp and then over-processed. We make/buy/use filters and presets to emulate film photography…

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  • 11/11 GHR Check-In

    This is the final month of the Groundhog Day Resolution system for 2019. This was the 11th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that because of the after the end-of-year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with…

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    As promised, I’ve been writing almost daily during National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO). But to be honest, most of it seems to be for the website.

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  • Photography: A New Hope

    A constant comment I hear among my photographer peers is that they feel like they’re in a creative pit. They’re bored and uninspired. And yes, let’s be honest, I have as well. Who hasn’t? I’ve found a few cures for the ailing inspiration in the…

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  • Airplane Mode

    I experimented today by going radio silent. No calls, texts or distractions. I even put my phone in my coat pocket and forgot about it. No regrets.

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  • Count The Costs

    “Most failures are one-time costs. Most regrets are recurring costs. The pain of inaction stings longer than the pain of incorrect action” – James Clear

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  • Disciplines

    Obvious habits and disciplines that will generate huge returns but are somehow difficult: Meditate/pray Journal Read Sleep at least 6-8 hours Drink water Walk Workout 3 times a week Airplane mode during at least 4 of these bullet points Save at least 10% for yourself

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  • Photoshop Comes To iPad

    Finally. The functions are limited but Adobe has finally brought a proper version to mobile photography.

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